My new favourite film

I really liked the first one, but this one just ramps everything up several notches. It doesn't pull any punches that's for sure. Was enjoyable from beginning to end. Kudos to the filmmakers for making a sequel that is significantly better and different from the original.

Will definitely buy it once it comes out with english subtitles on blu-ray.


Great movie with lots of laughs. I had no idea where they were going with the sequel but there were plenty of surprises. A refreshing take on the zombie genre. I'm looking forward to a third movie and more from this director.

English subtitles had some bad translations (even when the actors were speaking english); I'm also wondering if more nuance and fun was lost because it was not a great job.


Those english subtitles were homemade. The movie (as of now) has not been released with professionally made english subs.

Fear not the darkness, but welcome its embrace.


Luckily it didn't ruin the quality of the film..
