fuicking hilarious!

just saw it on Netflix and man this movie was seriously fun 

Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.



The two women pushing the baby strollers had me in stitches. Much better than I thought it could ever be. Great movie.


yes I love the part where the guy throws the kid out the window.


This is a really fun movie...cool as shÎt.


Genuinely hilarious and thoroughly disgusting, this movie surprised me with its inventiveness. Was expecting just another sequel, but this movie challenges Evil Dead Ii in the psycho sequel department! Better than the original!

🐵🐒Ape not kill ape.🙈


This movie was seriously fun and funny. I mean for what it was supposed to be how do I not give this a 10/10? It was a horror comedy and it hit on all notes. Also this is a sequel and that is not easy to make good or better much of the time. At the end of this I was saying,"Oh my God! How did they pull this off?" I really enjoyed the first movie and then this just put a huge amount of sweet icing on the cake. I want more cake!


So much better than the first one.


I loved this one. Better than the first in terms of story, gore, humor, dialog. Great flick. 9/10

