English version

wish someone would English dub this soon.

You two, at best, are functional morons. -Crowley


should be coming soon, there was an English trailer recently.


just watch the original version with subtitles it's much better seen in the original language


Vudu.com has the english language version, too. Just came from watching it there.

"Your entire life has been a mathematical error. A mathematical error I'm about to correct."


This doesn't need a dub. Half the movie is in English anyway.

What do you hear?
Nothing but the rain.


I don't give a *beep* I'm not watching any subtitles.

You two, at best, are functional morons. -Crowley


Do they hurt your brain?


Some people have good reason to not want subtitles, however if it is just I don't want to read then that is a terrible reason.

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I actually love to read but when it comes to subtitles I only like to use them in case I can't understand what the characters are saying (because of heavy accents or loud background music).

You two, at best, are functional morons. -Crowley


"Some people have good reason to not want subtitles" I know. They are called illiterates.


No, not at all its just hard to watch a movie in another language and read subtitles at the same time. I also have ADHD and have a hard time paying attention and sitting still as it is never mind having to read subtitles in order to try to understand what is going on in the movie.

You two, at best, are functional morons. -Crowley


Subtitles help me ubderstand the script better. I often hear the wrong thing when ppl talk. My Netflix is automatically set to play with subtitles.


Me too! My bf thinks I'm nuts because of this (having the subtitles up distracts him), but both my brother and I almost always use the subtitles. I've had my hearing checked numerous times (normal), and I do not have ADHD, but for some reason I have trouble focusing on and processing intense conversations, even though I can hear it perfectly well. My brain is quirky, I guess.

They're coming to get you, Barbara!


It's not uncommmon. It happens to a lot of people, myself included.


Me too, I also always use subtitles no matter if a movie is in one of the languages I understand. The clearness of speech is just to bad in most modern movies in my opinion.

So then, why would it be so important for you to get an English version?

This is why I consider it to always be the best to make a movie in the original language intended. Even the added American characters felt a bit unnecessary.


Wasn't it filmed in both English and Norwegian?


English dub was excellent in this and the movie was just as good. 10/10 for horror/zombie/comedy.


The movie was awesome!
