This is a huge surprise

This movie is startlingly good, considering the budget and experience of those involved. QUITE good. I've seen indie low-budget films done by far more experienced filmmakers that could never hold a candle to this.

The special effects aren't billion-dollar hollywood spectacular, but they're quite well done and aren't obtrusive like some low-budget fx can be.

The acting of some of the side characters isn't the best, but I've seen films where the leads make the least of these folks look like oscar contenders. And the leads here do a solid job, despite the sparsity of their IMDB resumes.

The story is fun, the pacing and editing are solid, and the film definitely entertains. The little comic-book cutaways and the very clever chapter headings are a nice touch, as well.

The entire project is a testament to what talent can do. I look forward to future films from these folks.

I hope they make money and are encouraged to keep going!

If you see this, make sure you go in with the expectations you would take to an indie film, but be prepared to walk away pleasantly surprised.

Movies are IQ tests. The IMDB boards are each person's opportunity to broadcast their score.


I too thoroughly enjoyed this movie.
