
If Heaven is so great, why not let him die?


earth is also great...well it has it's moments...and those moments alone make people want to carry on living for as long as they can.


I know that Earth is great, but apparently Heaven is a lot better. I mean, a lot. Why postpone it?


You can find the answer to that question in the reason you haven't killed yourself.

Not that I'm suggesting you should, but the reason you haven't hopped the express train to heaven is in the same realm of reasoning this kid and his family didn't say fack it let him be maggot chow.

Plus we're trained to live as long as we can and that heaven thing ain't a given now is it?

What if letting him die meant he went to hell? All that monkey spanking and evil stuff kids do to one another, he wouldn't have had time to see the light or right the wrongs he did to be worthy of magic Gawd Jeebus Mohammad space land.

Why condemn the kid to hell for monkey spanking? Thats just cruel man.
