
As an American I find this to be very funny. Walliams never ceases to bring the laughs in his awkward goofy nerdy yet lovable character.


I agree, I'm rather enjoying it. Don't know why it's taking such a beating on this board, outside of IMDB everyone seems to be enjoying it.


Another American here... I think it started off a bit slow but a few episodes in and it really started to grow into something I have looked forward to each week. It's sad to me this is only 6 episodes. I hope it gets another series.

This is much better than a lot of the other UK comedies I've tried to watch recently. Namely Chickens & Badults. Both of those I couldn't watch past the first episode they were so bad. Spy & Trollied on the other hand are two of the better comedies I've watched in recent years from the UK. Big School I think fits in well with them.

