MovieChat Forums > The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin (2014) Discussion > Take the egg and coup it. Anarcho-capita...

Take the egg and coup it. Anarcho-capitalistic globalization

Even though the documentary is named the rise and rise there are shown quite enough falls.

The documentary fails to show why bit coin is illegitimate. And it is illegitimate because there is not an elected governing body to it, not that money printing places have an elected body but usually the elected government of a country or region of united countries, positions a trusted person leading it.

At some point we have to think if mining as described (being a server to thin air) is or is not environmentally friendly and what should that cost to these ridiculously huge computing settlements, that do not really service any human needs, rather than being an illegitimate alternative to something that is meant to represent trust.

We also have to remember that in antiquity, certain metals were picked to represent that trust because of their rarity and immediate aesthetic potential, on the contrary everyone can see in this documentary the aesthetics that have been used to attract potential bit coin users and it is obvious they have not been even standard.

Last but not least, all these cryptography experts seem to be easily torn apart by governing authorities representatives, whenever the latter want to, a fact that shows both why they let it be and how true power works.
