Why did things change the way they did?

OK so Barry saved his mother from being murdered.
How did this change history in ways unrelated...or change things that happened even before the murder?
Why would preventing a murder cause superman's pod to land in another location? Or cause Joe Chill to shoot Bruce instead of his parents?
The way everything changed based on saving Barry's mom made no sense.

Have you ever noticed that the people who say "DC is for adults and Marvel is for kids", are kids?


Did you watch the movie? Flash asks the same question.

Zoom explained. Break the sound barrier, sonic boom. Break the time barrier, time boom. Ripples of distortion radiating out in every direction.



time boom. drop a pebble in a pond and there's ripples.
drop a boulder and you have a boom.
the ripples of the alterations spread out from the origin point, shifting even events that happened a little bit earlier, just a tiny bit.
