The Lead Actress UGHHHHHHH

Dislike the lead-dont think she can carry a show-show is terrible in every respect-WHY would Bravo not select something better for their first scripted show?


"Writers get paid to lie and tell moronic, sophomoric, biased, vapid, and empty stories".


She's been around a while, have you ever watched House? I actually like her in this role. Her character isn't supposed to be strong-willed, hence the story line. I think we're going to see an arch with regard to her story and attitude. Let's wait and see.


I'm watching this show essentially for her so I strongly disagree with the original poster. She's doing a great job with the material given.


I just don't believe her as a shy and giggly person. I strongly feel down-to-earth and direct fits her more. But maybe her role in House spoiled me.


I cannot stand Abby. She's a full of herself smartass and that is not attractive or fun or even likable. To make it believable that her ex would still find her doable compared to the 15 year younger gf, Bravo hires a plain jane flabby girl to play her competition.

Does Abby wear anything other than black leggings. She's too old and I'm sick of looking at her shark teeth and stick legs.

Phoebe and Janine Garofola and horrible. The best of this cluster-muck is Abby's lawyer. She's entertaining.
