MovieChat Forums > Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce (2014) Discussion > WABBY: Will & Abby are my favorite thing...

WABBY: Will & Abby are my favorite thing about #GG2D

In only a couple of episode, I am completely smitten with Warren Christie. He has great chemistry with the lead Lisa Edelstein and their scenes together are super sweet, tender and hot!
I love the way Will is treating Abby unlike Jake, her brother Max and her daughter Lilly.
I really hope we have not seen the last of him. Noxon would be a fool not to get him back on the show.
As for Edelstein, she's just phenomenal as Abby McCarthy and she makes me feel for her so much. Love her!


He doesn't look 28 at all. It's terrible casting.


I think it's perfect casting as the actor rocks this part but not great storytelling. They should have had him as a 30something or 35 years-old guy and it would have still worked for the show and the message. Him being 28 is just not believable.


Yeah he looks more like 32 or 33. That´s still younger than Abby, who is in her early forties so i don´t get why they made him a 28 yo. I wouldn´t change the actor. Warren Christie rocks this role but making him a little older would make much more sense. Either that or he is lying about his age for some reason.


Yeah, I don't buy it either that he's young and she's q cougar.


Warren's bio says he's 39, & Lisa's says she's 48. I don't understand why having them be their actual ages (or something similar) wasn't a plausible scenario. I certainly agree that Warren Christie looks more his actual age than 28; but I also think Lisa Edelstein looks more like Warren's actual age than her own! ?


I love them too so much. They were so perfect together. I actually wanted to murder my TV when she sent him away. Lisa Edelstein has chemistry with everybody but with Warren is something electric. Just the way they look at each other melts my heart. I really hope they bring him back. Since Jake acts like he hates her, he can run away into the sunset with his new toy for all i care and leave room for a new love interest for her.


I really liked Will for Abby as well. That was the only love interest that kept me watching the show. When they parted ways I didn't even bother watching episode six. What can I say. Stella gave her groove back.


Well, have you watched the last couple of episodes? Because Wabby is back and they're on FIRE!
I highly recommend you to have a look. I really appreciate how against cliche this relationship is written. I wouldn't have expected real depth there. I am under their spell.
Warren is proving to be an incredible actor who really shines with Lisa and makes you feel for Will so much As for Lisa, besides having crazy chemistry with him (something that happens a lot with her male costars), she's playing the smitten hesitation in a spot on way and it's a blast to watch Abby really enjoying herself.


I LOVE Will and Abby so much. This love story is really well written and touching and the actors have amazing chemistry. I´ve heard Warren will be back in season two and that makes me even more excited.
