Go Barbara , Go Writers !

The Real Face of Divorce read she gave Abby is how a high majority if women feel and the types of problems that she mentioned are more real than the show portrays for Abby .


We all know that but why watch a scripted series without glam?


Barbara is my favorite character. Very real and very funny. Abby is not bad. Phoebe is absurd -- new calling each week, with a new guy to go with it. Delia is a disgusting person to be planning a wedding and cheating at the same time. Jo is angry and messed up. I get a kick out of Charlene as played by Megan Hilty.


Phoebe is absurd -- new calling each week, with a new guy to go with it.

Seriously! What is the deal with her seducing the introverted artist and his sudden transformation in her presence? A totally inane story line.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.
