Where are Phoebe's children?

Her children were hardly shown on the first season and on the second season they weren't shown at all even when she went to their school. It's as if her children don't exist. Even with a nanny they should be seen sometimes. I thought they were written off of the show like a soap opera until they were mentioned in a text by her ex-husband who was suppose to come visit them but instead he spent his time with Phoebe promoting her socially awkward artist boyfriend. It's very disappointing that the show couldn't invest in being more realistic by involving her kids.


I like the show but remember having the same thought last season.


I could be wrong, but somehow I always thought her kids were her husband's kids, not actually hers, she was the stepmom. If so, that could explain why we don't ever see them. And I'm not even sure why I think this, so don't hold me to it.
