problems (spoilers)

Fairly well done, even if the final tantrum is over the top (though you see it coming) and there's 90 minutes of story stretched into two hours.

One big problem is that if this is a portrait of hypothetical fascist and Prescott is 9-10 years old, the typical fascist leader was considerably older in 1918; many were war veterans (well, Mussolini was injured in practice). Primo de Rivera was 15, which is sort of close.

I know, it's symbolic and it's fiction. The movie wants to relate the bad arrangements made at the end of the Great War to fascism as well as a formative period in a boys' life.

Versailles was important, but keep in mind the Nazi Party was founded in 1920, 8 months after the Treaty of Versailles was signed. Its immediate precursor was formed in 1918. The Italian Fascist Party was founded in 1919, with precursors as early as 1915. Versailles did not cause fascism, but it surely boosted its popularity in some countries.

Another problem is that it emphasizes individual psychopathology rather than sociology in the formation of fascism. True, it does emphasize the household hierarchy of husband > wife > higher-ranked servants > lower ranked servants, with the boy occupying an uncertain position.

Very painterly cinematography and an interesting though sometimes overbearing score.



Another problem is that it emphasizes individual psychopathology rather than sociology in the formation of fascism.

There's actually a quote by Fowles at the beginning of the movie: "The tragedy is not that one man has the courage to be evil, but that so many have not the courage to be good."


I think Versailles allowed fascism to become so easily implemented. It took root and grew quickly with public supporT. Mussolini took over because Orlando was seen as weak by being basically snubbed by the big 3 during the treaty conferences. It wasn't necessarily the cause or only factor, but it provided the perfect breeding ground.

By the time the people realized what was happening it was too late. Like the frog in the boiler.

Also I’d disagree with the individual sociopathy quote. The boy was symbolic of his environment. It’s not meant to be taken literally but more allegorical.
