MovieChat Forums > Ladies of London (2014) Discussion > Caroline S has been in the right most of...

Caroline S has been in the right most of the time this season

But I just can't seem to be behind her or support her.


I don't think she's right. She's angry because two of the people she expected "blind loyalty" (her words) from, did not blindly support her in her brattiness (Sophie & Adela). It's never right to expect blind loyalty from anyone, be it friend or family member - if you are in the wrong, a true friend should not back you up and support you in your wrongness. I don't understand people who require blind loyalty, it's really controlling and dumb.


Her unconscionable tardiness to every event speaks of a personality disorder.

She's thin-skinned and arrogant.

I rather like her...sometimes.


She's become insufferable. The emphasis on her in this show has gone to her head. Her tardiness is extremely rude.

If there is a 4th season I hope she's dropped.

If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.


Agree with you and Let's talk about.

She wants minions, not true friends. True friends and family point it out when you're wrong. She is incredibly thin-skinned yet bashes Julie for crying about her yoga comment. Caroline was cool the first season but I think her Gift Library failure has made her really insecure.


And another thing. Caroline Stanbury has claimed to be nobility in other episodes. From what I gather she is upper class, came from a wealthy family, but is not nobility. I don't think there are any titles in her family.

Perhaps jealousy is the reason she's so nasty to Julie.

If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.


And another thing. Caroline Stanbury has claimed to be nobility in other episodes. From what I gather she is upper class, came from a wealthy family, but is not nobility. I don't think there are any titles in her family.

Perhaps jealousy is the reason she's so nasty to Julie.

One of Caroline's great great whatever grandfathers was a baron. I doubt she is jealous of Julie; she just doesn't like her (or most people for that matter) and sees her as an easy target to torture. If Caroline truly wanted to marry someone with a title, she easily could have.

If I can find a way to link the Vestey-Stanbury family history, I will do it. But later. I have a lot of work to do and need to get moving .

EDIT. Found the link from The Peerage.

Scroll down to William Vestey, 1st Baron Vestey. He was Caroline's great great grandfather.


It's not blind loyalty to not want ur sister in law to blurt something to someone I'm sure she's told her she's not very fond of.
