Don't worry Julie...

You won't be written up in any textbooks and no one will be talking about you in 100 years. What a dumba$$.


She really think she's someone important, doesn't she?


They all kind of do.

It used to just be Annabelle, but Caroline F is getting more and more insufferable. People who are truly humble and famous don't usually go around telling people how humble and famous they are. All. The. Time. I was particularly amused by the "paparazzi " in Denmark, that was one guy who followed them around and was obviously hired by them to take their pictures, lol.


Julie is just a twit, but Caroline F is so full of herself it is difficult to watch.


Lol yeah, I do like Caroline F,but she does fancy herself A. LOT.

Blocking trolls since 1999!


Yes, she didn't get the memo the Brits already think she's the dumb American that ruined everything. The ladies in the gift shop were not just a purposeful edit, haha

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Julie is insufferable. She married that puffy guy and now she's a grande dame.

She's not, never will be.

She should take a page from Kate Middleton, who appears to be an unpretentious wife and mother before anything else. I say appears because it's impossible to know, but I've never read an unkind word about her
And I love the way she dresses, so perfect.
