When the police arrest Kolya, he's told that they suspect his wife was raped before dying and that if the forensic doctor finds some of Kolya's sperm inside her, this will be a proof that he's the author. Well I find very normal to find her husband's sperm in a woman and I don't see how this would incriminate him, unless the director uses this trick to hint to the viewer how corrupt the system is in the village. Can anyone clarify whether I'm missing something? Thank you.


They found a potential murder weapon on his property, and had ironclad motive (his death threats and the affair), not to mention any character witness would have to admit Kolya had a wicked temper. I feel like "was raped" was probably more just to give colour to the accusations to really sway the judges/ juries against Kolya. The sperm analysis would also indicate that it could only have been Kolya - that nobody other than Kolya could be the rapist.
