theory on uncle

I have this weird thought that maybe he might be a vampire? He had more of that vibe/appearance in the pilot with the paler skin and widows peak hair and his career seems to be tied into that as well....if he drank the blood and then embalmed. And he's tied into all the creepiness for sure. Maybe if he's had to drink the blood of the victims, he carries a part of them and controls the ghosts in a way? or they control him?
The show is already a little crazy, so vampire can't be that farfetched? lol.
I doubt he is, but the show is already weird to start with. I'm just throwing a random theory out there. There's a lot that doesn't make sense if he were a vampire, so I'm probably completely wrong.
Just trying to figure out the show a little bit... too much that doesn't make sense due to all the supernatural elements...


i can see the whole vampire vibe - kinda good looking but in a sinister, pale sort of way. but im not sure they will go THAT supernatural. who knows though?


I don't think it'd be stereotypical vampire, but just that he drinks blood and the sinisterness that comes along with that and the ghosts.. I don't know.


I don't think Vampires are allowed to drink the blood of the dead,
something bad will happen to them.


If he's a supernatural, vampire wouldn't be my first bet. I will bet that he's a witch/warlock. He needs to keep the hair of the victims to allow them to move more freely. I'm not sure but when the bottle with Miranda's hair shattered she was immediately brought back to the cemetery and once again was unable to leave.

And you're dressed like Norman Bates! When HE dresses like Norman Bates' mother!


OOOoh. That makes way more sense than my theory! ha! I like it. That dillon guy seems to have a similar connection too.
I was wondering if they could be possessed or something as well?
Weird show...
