season 2??

will there be one, when would it start?


Probably around the break between PLL seasons again. That's pretty much what this show was meant for.


To be honest it has gotten alot better and along w/PLL I do look forward to it. I like that Hannah made an appearence that was good stuff. They should atleast bring it back for season 2! That would be good and wrap it up after that maybe. It has def been second best show on abc family in past 4 months! behind PLL of course


I don't watch anything on ABC Family except PLL and RW, but I've grown to like PLL over the years, and liked Ravenswood within a couple of episodes. Regardless of the concerted group of naysayers that insist on coming to this forum pretty much just to complain about how awful it is and wish for a speedy cancellation, I really like RW and hope it sticks around for awhile. I'm actually looking forward to seeing RW more than PLL at this point!

As for pulling Hannah over, while it was great seeing her, I don't think keeping the lines going between the two shows is a good thing ultimately, but I guess we'll see how it works out when we get the second halves of the shows.
