I didn't turn it off

I generally pass on zombie movies as a rule, Boy Eats Girl and My Boyfriend's Back being the major exceptions. But this taking place in the middle ages and having the Grail as a plot-point attracted my attention. As did the horrible ratings.

That being said, this was far from a great movie, but not as bad as other reviews imply. The acting is passable, the blood effects good for an obviously low budget. And, the female lead is pretty sexy. Above all, the story is original, and that's saying something.

Is this worth watching? That's up to you but if you are reading this something about this movie attracted your attention, so give the underdog a shot.

Sometimes the best compliment you can give is I didn't turn it off.


I thought the filmmakers did an impressive job for such a low-budget but ambitious film. I'm surprised by the extremely low (and in my opinion, undeserved) rating.


