Time period?

When is PETE'S DRAGON set? I didn't notice any props like late model cars, cell phones, etc., nor anything else to make it clear that the story takes place any later than the early 1980's.


Lol. The 80's is a time period.


Who said it WASN'T?


Perhaps they did this so they can do a sequel in present time with a grown-up Pete. Otherwise a flash-forward sequel would need to be set in the future, which would be an unnecessary pain in the butt to film.

"Pretentious" is a three-syllable word for any thought too big for little minds.


I assumed it was the 1970's


I guessed 1980's because of Pete's backpack; school kids didn't use backpacks that much until the 80's and up.

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Well, the family crashed in a late 70s Ford wagon and 6 years later, we see a lot of early 80s cars including a Chevy Citation so I'm guessing that it takes place around '83 or '84.


I assumed it was the 1970's

Or 1980-83-ish.

But there wouldn't have been any harm done, would there, with inserting a title or two, or at least a throwaway line of dialogue, to inform the viewer as to just what year it was when Pete became orphaned due to the car wreck?

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I wonder if Disney got cold feet over the time period and tried to downplay the fact it was set in the early 80s. Perhaps they thought kids would want to see something set now rather than 30+ years ago. I don't suppose kids care less - it didn't bother me, aged 7, that the original was set c.1900, but studies can sometimes worry about these things and start meddling.


Also there was a turntable, something not to common today... Maybe it was set in the 70s during the time of the original movie.


Looked about 1982-83 to me based on the cars, the clothes the kids on the bus were wearing, the dress of the nurses at the hospital, etc...




very early 80s.... https://media.giphy.com/media/xT1XGKra1qav1l7Hna/giphy.gif

her jacket and hat are very early 80s

very early 80s clothes on these kids...

"We all go a little mad sometimes." - Norman Bates


Yup, it's mainly set around 1982, except for the very beginning which we are told takes place six years earlier.


I also noticed a Rubik's Cube on a shelf in the girl's room. They first hit the US market in 1980, and by 1982 they were everywhere.
