MovieChat Forums > Welcome to Me (2015) Discussion > I'm a 23 year old male with borderline p...

I'm a 23 year old male with borderline personality disorder

When I watched this film I cried nearly 2 times and by the end I really did. This is bpd in its purest form. Obviously not everyone agrees, but nobody is gonna ever capture it perfectly. You get emotional borderlines that are very malicious and almost demonic in nature, then you get people like the character portrayed in this film. I can be a mixture of both, but this is how I normally am. This film is like my life basically, it started at age 15 and from there it got worse and worse. Recently I saw a user post here that they think the disorder is fake. After I tried talking to her about it she promptly deleted her post because she quickly realized how ignorant she is. This disorder is hell. I'm currently very suicidal because I have social anxiety coupled with this disorder, it's chaos. I'm hyper sexual but unable to communicate due to my crippling fear of social interaction. I'm friendless, girlfriendless and I'm not unattractive or anything. It hurts to know that I'm the one causing all this without knowing how to stop it. My psychologist I previously had also abandoned me, now I need a new one. Maybe eventually it'll leave me alone, I hate mental illness, but I hate ignorance about it even more. For those thinking bpd is fake, I'm proof that it ain't.


I'm so sorry you have to go through this! I hope you'll find a therapist soon. You will get through this!


Hey dude, my sisters got BPD too. Like you, she's struggled so much, but she's gotten a lot of help (she went through DBT, have you looked into it?) and she's grown to be so strong, she's getting married, and doing A LOTTTTT better. I talked to her recently and she said what helped her is separating all of her "crazy feelings" from her rational ones and letting them out through art and poetry.

I think it's really cool of you to acknowledge your mental illness and speak up about it.

Keep doing that.

It'll stop the ignorance.

I think a huge reason it's so hard to live with mental illness is because people don't know jack *beep* about them in our society.

Keep talking about it, keep living, I know i'm a stranger, but our world needs you. You have every right to be here just like everyone else. Talking about mental illness is the first step to getting people to understand each other and have healthier relationships.

You're golden, and (in my opinion) people who've got a little mental illness going on in their heads are the coolest, most kick-ass, brave, people in our society.

lots of love,


Have you looked into DBT? (heres a link explaining it)


thank you for sharing the link. I look forward to looking into it. I agree 1,000% with your feelings about the bravery of the OP...also if I am going to be completely honest I guess I should say Thank you also from myself because as a person who has been struggling with mild BPD and bi-polar...I have not had it easy AT ALL. My mother is the same way but will look you in the face and say there's not a thing wrong with her and she does not believe in getting help...So its been so refreshing lately to see so many people coming out and raising awarness for something that is real, affecting more people in these times than ANY other type if illness one can get...1 out 6 is a number I saw recently. O_O..and worst of all taking 5-6 medications at once DOES NOT HELP ...especially me but the girl in this film is a prime example of someone whom needs to take her meds to not fly off the handle completely... GOOD FILM. Love Kristin Wigg. I give it 8 out of 10.


Hey I am so sorry that you are struggling! Please dont ever give up and continue to fight. As a borderline girl, I can imagine what you are going through. But it can get better if you work at it continuously! It can take years or longer for you to see significant improvement, but it is so worth it. Please reach out for the help you need/deserve so you can live a life that is worth living in your eyes.



I too have BPD. I was diagnosed about 6 months ago but have been suffering with it since I was 11.
So far I am yet to come across a single person that actually understands it or where I'm coming from. It's the most frustrating thing.
I saw a bad review of this film so thought I'd check out people's responses on here.

