Exciting Drama

I'm looking forward to seeing this film. It will be a chance to show the world who Travis Alexander really was, as a man and as a Mormon. Flawed, but aren't we all? And not deserving to die so young.

I wonder how they'll film it. My suggestion would be to start with the trial, then do flashbacks to the events interspersed with short excerpts from the trial, then end with the verdict. The actual murder has to come late in the film. It should show Travis staggering naked from the bathroom into the hallway while Jodi stabs him repeatedly in the back and neck, blood gushing everywhere. This scene will silence anyone who has doubts about the verdict not being fair.


I guarantee the film will end with her line during that interview 'No jury is going to convict me. and you can mark my words on that.' However this ends, if they find her guilty (more than likely) or innocent, they will have that voice over.


How can you be so certain this movie will paint him in a positive light? I wouldn't hold your breath on that one until the movie is out. They very well could paint her as the victim of abuse.

"The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world."


With all due respect mghood- There is no way this movie is going to show Travis for who he really was. Going by past lifetime movies. ( baby killer Anthony, wife- killer drew peterson) this will no doubt be VERY inaccurate and thrown together. The movie is going to center on her. this monster- if you look at the casting. aside from Travis and the lawyers. the only specific person portrayed will be Angela, ( the murderer's sister ) Gus searcey- is also mentioned in the cast. Of course we know who he'a loyal to ( the murderer) so it's very unlikely I think this will focus much on Travis. You're right I think he will be shown in flashbacks.I don't think we will see much of the murder ( which is fine by me. We know how much he suffered. don't need to see it exploited ) The trial willdominate the movie.
