Ted Cruz on Texas Independence

What prompted the Texas Revolution, the Texians, who were part of Mexico at the time -- General Santa Anna, who was the dictator, began stripping away the rights of Texans, and indeed they began to revolt, to protect their freedom and independence. And so the Texians fought a revolution, just like our Founding Fathers did, and won their independence from Mexico.
Funny how Ted doesn't mention that the "rights" and "freedoms" that concerned the Texians the most was the right to own slaves, and the freedom of Americans to migrate into Texas with their slaves. Mexico had outlawed slavery in 1829, and was trying to crack down on the machinations of Texians to get around the ban (converting slaves into indentured servants for life, and requiring their "former" slaves to pay off onerous debts from pitiful "wages" before being granted their freedom). Mexico also sought to prevent further migration of Americans (and their slaves) into the region, to better keep control of Texas.
