stardust memories

there's probably already a thread about this but has chris rock mentioned stardust memories by woody allen being an influence on this movie


I came here to say the same. I only got thru about 15 mins and didn't really like it (SM is however one of my favorites).
Does it get better?


so i came back to say, it DOES get better!

Its a nice nod to Stardust Memories, could've been better but its a sincere effort. I can't fault Chris for giving it a shot, reminds me how good Stardust Memories is and how effortless it seemed.


If you like Chris Rock this film is a must see. I found a lot of very good in it, but also a lot of very bad. Unfortunately, the first "very bad" came for me at the very beginning with the introduction of Gabrielle Union as Chris's fiance. She came across as the one dimensional Evil Queen from Snow White and the fact that Rock didn't see right through her was unbelievable and made him look like a fool. After that, it was very hard to hold any sympathy for him or for the movie in any realistic way. As for Stardust Memories, as someone mentioned, it was very funny and flowed smoothly from beginning to end. It's not easy to make a just good movie.


Well Chris Rock, as funny as he is, is not Woody Allen lol. Not as far as Placing Comedy on the Screen anyway. That's why there are only a few really good Comedic Directors. Judd Apatow is one of the recent good examples. Then you have the guys like Woody Allen and Mel Brooks, I mean, there's not many CONSISTENT ones throughout the years. I think Chris Rock hit this out the park. As far as Expectations being met. He exceeded them. Comedies are usually rated low on imdb so I expected the 6 or so rating but the Metascore is far more accurate. It definitely had some issues, I agree with the Gabrielle Union beef, she wasn't the greatest of characters... But overall I'd give this a 7.5 or so, rounded up to an 8 for imdb. I judge Comedies without being too critical of other aspects. Did it make me laugh? Did the drama help balance out the film? That sort of stuff.
