
Not really a fan of this movie and its ending and all that but one thing stood out as offensive to me. Did the hookers really threaten to scream rape on him and then do it? Knowing that Chris wrote something like that pisses me off and makes me wonder why he thought it was funny to trivialize rape and accusations.


umm....maybe b/c it happens? lol, it's not trivializing a situation when it occurs especially to celebrities


What RomeyCash said. And it doesn't just happen to celebrities.


I thought this was going to be about the rape scene involving a hot sauce soaked tampon being shoved up someone's ass. That was pretty messed up.


That wasn't rape. The guy thought he was going to have sex but she pranked him. It was messed up, though.


She forced a hot sauce soaked tampon up his ass without his consent. That's rape by any definition.




It was a scene...in a fictional movie...in a comedy genre.

No, really? We all thought it was actual footage of a real life rape. Of course it was a scene in a comedy movie, moron.


We all thought it was actual footage of a real life rape.
Ha!  ...and of course no raping...fictional or otherwise...is depicted in this movie.

On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again. 


...and of course no raping...fictional or otherwise...is depicted in this movie.

According to you shoving a hot sauce soaked tampon up someone's ass without their consent isn't rape. Good luck explaining that to the judge next time you try that on someone and they press charges.

Edit: Unless you were being sarcastic. It's hard to tell.


Hmmm...is it rape if it was shoved in his mouth...without his consent?

On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again. 


Hmmm...is it rape if it was shoved in his mouth...without his consent?

That would be assault. You're catching on.


 Hah! Thanks!

So it's?:
a. 'Rape' when hot tamp is involuntarily shoved up rectum.
b. Assault when hot tamp is involuntarily shoved in mouth.

Is that correct?

On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again. 


If you have a good lawyer I'm sure you could come to a plea deal where they drop the rape charges if you plead guilty to sexual assault. It's semantics, but you'd probably get less jail time. Or just never do it in the first place!


What makes it "sexual" assault if the hot tamp is in the rectum?
Why is it not "sexual" assault if it is in the mouth?

On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again. 


The difference is what part of the body is being violated. It would be a different punishment If you slap a co-worker on the mouth than if you slap her on the ass. Come on, this is obvious stuff.


The difference is what part of the body is being violated. It would be a different punishment If you slap a co-worker on the mouth than if you slap her on the ass.
Really? Is that also considered 'rape'(...or reduced to 'sexual' assault if I get a good lawyer)?

...and what if my co-worker is not a her?

On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again. 


That would be sexual assault, and no the gender of the person doesn't matter.

I can't tell if you're playing dumb or if you really don't know this stuff. Maybe you should call a lawyer. I should start charging you by the hour.


Yeah...I live a sheltered life. I've never encountered such things.

So is it 'rape' if the penis is involuntarily introduced to her mouth...or is that sexual assault?

On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again. 


Dude, call your lawyer. I'm done giving you free advice.


reading this i can't help but laugh out loud! Good *beep*


You're an idiot.


Thanks for your intelligent contribution to the conversation, mmayes-49971.


"Idiot", is being far too kind.

More like, they're a pile of manure---but only half as useful.



I mean, seriously???

How far up your ass, is your brain? For some reason (perhaps a personal agenda?), you have completely forgotten about the context of the scene. Which, and let's get this on the record...it's a scene...in a movie. It isn't real life. It is a scene.

But I digress, how you can watch said scene, and somehow deduce that Chris Rock is trivializing rape and accusations, is simply astounding.

"Not really a fan of this movie and its ending..."

And yet you took the time to create a clickbait topic, on this message board?



Not really a fan of this movie and its ending and all that but one thing stood out as offensive to me. Did the hookers really threaten to scream rape on him and then do it? Knowing that Chris wrote something like that pisses me off and makes me wonder why he thought it was funny to trivialize rape and accusations.
Ha!  That's exactly what he wasn't doing! He was bringing up the very real way a hooker can use the threat of the very powerful accusation of rape as a method of extorting money from a customer.

It's people like those hookers who trivialize rape. Not the comedians exposing the problem. 

On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again. 


I didn't see the film but that annoys me also. Some men think every rape accusation is false. They don't believe a man has ever raped a woman ever in the course of history.


That is one of the most stupid things I've ever heard.


That's because you're too stupid to understand hyperbole.


That scene only helps to validate a fantasy from MRAs. Or maybe Chris Rock is making fun of that stereotype of women falsely accusing man of rape just because it happened a few times?

If I don't reply, you're probably on my ignore list for something I forgot already


Because it actually happens and it was funny. Grow up and get over it.


Because it actually happens and it was funny. Grow up and get over it.

Yeah, rape is real funny.

