
I love Kevin Smith's work. I just do. Been a fan since "Clerks" and even like "Jersey Girl." He's probably the main reason I became a writer. I never thought I would have one negative thing to say about a KS project. That said, WTF was this?

Nothing even close to funny here. It's basically Jay going around saying lame, vulgar stuff that isn't remotely clever or funny. I've seen more inventive, humorous stuff in Hustler comics. This was beneath Kevin. Well, I guess it wasn't really because he did it.

In any event, this one hour "movie" was dumb, lazy work. I'm fairly shocked but I shouldn't be. Kev is smoking a lot of weed these days from what I gather. In my experience that tends to make some folks dumb and lazy. I am a bit disappointed and saddened by this effort. It feels like the weakest of cash grabs.

C'mon man, living off past glories is one thing but at least pretend to be trying a little. I'll still be there for "Clerks III" but this steaming present makes me fairly leery of it. Ditch the vaporizer for a minute and get back to doing the work you are so capable of.


Totally agree, wtf kind of sh!t has Smith been smokin? This was just painfully bad, all I could think of was how I would probably like this if I was 10 years old. How in the hell could Smith have possibly not only written but then have the ignorance to submit the "screenplay" for this crap. Mucho lost respect for him after this, but as you said, it won't stop me from watching Clerks III. Though from the looks of this, that may be his last effort

I doubt that any of the stars that did the voices for this farce received an advanced copy of what they'd be reading. Any half decent friend should've had the decency to tell him this was garbage.


Agreed. I don't like to go on message boards and bash anyone's project. I know for a fact that people read their boards from time to time. I didn't want to be hurtful or unfair with my comments but in all honesty, I felt embarrassed for everyone involved. That said my most recent gig was a real stinker so, I can't really be taken too seriously. Money is money and he's got a family.


Money is money and he's got a family.

He happens to have plenty of money. He made this movie for fun. Sadly, he seems to have had more fun making it than anyone did watching it.

Anyone here mentions Hotel California dies before the first line clears his lips.


Awful. Awful. Awful.

I've lost all faith in Clerks III after this.

You deal with it.


what are you talking about?, this movie is hilarious lol
