MovieChat Forums > Vice (2013) Discussion > War on Drugs is pointless

War on Drugs is pointless

There will always be demand for drugs, they should just legalize it and let Darwiniansm do the job, the world is over populated anyway. People with no self control can all od and make roome for those who do.


I support legalization, but not for your cynical reasons.

First of all, I don't think the laws stop a lot of people from doing drugs, due to how easy it is to do drugs without getting caught. So I don't think there'd be a big explosion in drug use if it were made legal, most of the people who'd like to do drugs already are. Everyone I've ever met who'd like to do drugs but abstained, it was because of workplace drug testing, and the risk of getting fired, not because they feared the law. And workplace drug testing, and firing drug using employees, could happen even if drugs were legal.

Secondly I think more people would seek treatment for drug addiction if drug use was legal. As long as using drugs is against the law, there'll be people who don't seek help for fear of being reported to the authorities. So I actually think the amount of overdoses and drug addicts would go down, not up, because the legalisation would cause more people to dare seek help.


Just to reference your second main point, as far as people being more likely to get treatment.

There is a simple analogy that essentially goes against your point given how many people have the problem and don't do anything about it: alcoholism.

Statistically speaking, from what I read into, about 1 out of 12 people (nearly 18 million people, depends on the time of the studies and the population) in the USA have it, and that's likely lower than it really is given how many people have problems but they are hidden until accidents, spouse abuse, etc.

It is also the 5th biggest cause of premature death.

As far as getting treatment, there's only about 1.3 million AA members (reported by AA last year), which can be less, but it's not gonna be off by millions. So essentially 1/18 are members... so 17 out of 18 people aren't getting help, at least through that, which is the biggest program sustaining (after rehab, etc.). Rehab itself isn't exactly a common thing for the average person either.

I'm not saying cannabis/weed will drastically change things, but heroin, cocaine, meth, and all of those other drugs have vastly worse effects on our bodies and minds, more so than even just alcohol does. There isn't really a "recreational" way to do those drugs, and so many people can't even manage to control cigarettes or alcohol (which both are bad in their own ways).


Truthfully, you're really lucky (or very well bred I guess) if you don't have at least one addiction. It seems like the majority of Americans are addicted to food and obesity is bad in dozens of other countries as well. So we got food, alcohol, weed, harder drugs, internet porn, and on and on. I've even seen a case where a woman was addicted to water, just shows how the pleasure center of our brains controls us.

Each one of these addictions can cause severe emotional and societal trauma. I've had my trouble with addiction and only now am I able to get a handle on it, not easy AT ALL. It's true what they say that it's a long, long spiral down and you've got to hit rock bottom before you can start to rise up again!

A couple becomes a couple when there's a house on the horizon


Indeed. Legalization and "control" won't change much of anything, and it can't just be assumed that problems won't increase, because it's easy to get addicted to just about any of those things. So it'll just become another even bigger addiction problem.

And as my post was using by example (and your post generalizing), people are not exactly good at seeking help and fixing these sorts of problems at all, even with much simpler things.

I was mostly responding to the second poster and not the first guy, with his witty "I'm better than everyone" attitude with his Darwin/evolution jokes about people dying.


The War on Drugs isn't pointless. It's directly responsible for the exorbitant prices of prohibited substances on the black market. Private prisons and police departments also benefit financially from prohibition.

Unfortunately, wealthy criminal organizations and big corporations can buy political influence rather easily. Why else do think prohibition has continued for so long? It is a complete failure on a social level.


Private prisons and police departments also benefit financially from prohibition.

why should Private prisons benefit? they shoulnt even exists...


in addition to the court houses , lawyers , bail bondmen , the prison unions , pharmaceutical companies ...etc a lot of people are making $ off of the illegality of drugs


It has a point for someone or it would end. It keeps a lot of people rich. Various banks have been discovered to have laundered billions and got nothing but fines. It keeps various law enforcement and three letter agencies with employees. It benefits the government,cartels,banks,etc.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.
