Grey's grave

Maybe everyone saw this, but around the 35 minute mark when Grey is outside the church, (just before he is frightened by the dog) making a cigarette the camera shows a gravestone with his name on it. When the camera comes back to the grave it shows a different name. Was there anything else like this during the movie that anyone noticed?



I noticed that when Deacon and Grey were drinking and talking about the Cardinal that dissapeared in Brazil (just before the bottletop in the bottle trick), there can be seen two eyes glaring at them through the small window in the door. They arent there at the beginning of the scene, or at the end, but if you look closely they are there watching in the background of every shot of Deacon in between.


There's a brief scene when Deacon returns from the church during his solo night mission and is pacing around the main room...then the camera cuts to the kitchen and there's someone sitting at the kitchen table - very dark scene and hard to see...

I'm guessing it was Mark?

He simply bears up and he does it...because he is a man. - Breaking Bad


I think it was Mark as he seems to have the string vest he wears in bed when they wake him up with the blood on his face
Also Gray had reflections on his glasses similar to the one in the door window
