BBxRae moment

Who all caught the flirting BB did to Raven in 'Hey Pizza'? He asked about her bathing suit, and after she responded he replied 'Hot.'

“Protect the child.” - Robert McCammon's Swan Song


Figures, BB finally flirts with Raven and it's on this show instead of the old one. If it where in the old show it actually would have meant something.



Ugh, I know. It's so disappointing. Haven't watched Teen Titans in awhile. Happened to catch Teen Titans Go on tv today and was shocked by the animation change and overall personality makeover.

What I loved about the original series was gone. The characters lacked the depth that was built up in the old show. I had always wanted to see Beast Boy and Raven together in the cartoon, but it looks like if that ever happens, it will be with inferior writing and animation.

The only positive I can say is that I'm glad the original voice actors are there.

Why would a banana grab another banana? Those are the kind of questions I don't want to answer.


So I just found this comic con video that confirms that Raven does in fact have a secret crush on Beast Boy in this show.

This is sooooooo bittersweet.

If this were the old show, they would have built up their relationship with deep writing and genuine character moments. Raven would have realized what a caring and loving guy BB truly is and open up to him slowly and eventually they would have gotten together.

Now it seems they're just going to get together for the LULZ.

What a waste.


Nice to see more moment have happened since this one. It seems there are BBxRae fans on the animation/production staff too.

"Protect the child." - Robert McCammon's Swan Song
