I just can't believe it.

All these people who think that Gaston is less of a jerk to Belle, is more of a dogged nice guy and think that Belle is a snob. You guys are completely missing the whole point of his character in this remake. He's only acting polite to Belle just so that he'll believe she'll fall right into his arms immediately. This is called arrogance and its a common trait in psychopaths. Also have you ever heard of unwanted attention? When Gaston asks to join Belle for dinner, she rather politely turns him down. Then after he asks "Busy?" That is when Belle gets a bit more uneasy with him when she says "No." in a curt way. This is subtly showing Gaston giving her unwanted attention. Belle may feel lonely but at the same time she doesn't want unwanted attention. Do you get it now?


Plus he leaves her father in the woods to die. I don't know who you're referring to but yeah he's a pretty sociopathic dude in this movie.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-https://youtu.be/AD4MjlFtI4k


I was referring to sarahb2 and moonphase9.



Thank you. I don't understand how people think Gadton was a nice guy. He was an arrogant prick, and only got worse (as in more evil) as the movie progressed.


Gaston is a real mainpulator and his the sort that would do anything he can to get what he wants.


He was like that in the original with wanting to woo belle and gets the townspeople in a rise to crash the castle.


But they are right. In this film they made Gaston into a sympathetic character. He seem like a guy who went to great lengths to be with the woman he loved who snubbed him for no reason; unrequited love. Any guy would have reacted like Gaston.

In the animated film, you see why Belle didn't like Gaston. Gaston was a rude inconsiderate arrogant jerk who just wanted to posses Belle because she was different from the other women in town. He wasn't in love with her, he didn't really know her heart's desires. He didn't like her reading books either. He barges into her home unwelcome, gives her his muddy shoes to clean, proposes in a unromantic way that suggests Belle has no other choices.

But in the live action film, all you see is Belle complain about living in a boring town and wanting adventure. They don't tie it into her imagination that she feeds by reading books. She doesn't even talk to Gaston. She just looks at him and shakes her head. That was extremely rude of her. The Belle in the animated film, at least talks to Gaston. She gave Gaston a reason why she wouldn't accept his marriage proposal.

In the animated film, the Beast was also a rude jerk like Gaston, but the difference was that the Beast looked like a hideous animal. Even so, he was considerate towards Belle's love of books. He would spend time with Belle doing the things she liked. He bonded with Belle. Gaston didn't do those things.

So the problems that I had with the live version is the changes they made in order to separate it from the animated film, yet not really understanding the characters enough for those modifications to make any sense. The end result was shallow characters that do stupid things.


You are completely missing the entire point here. The whole point of Beauty and the Beast is not to judge others based on first impressions and appearances. For they can be something different on the inside. Also about the writing here, there is a thing called subtlety. Gaston acts charming but he is self-absorbed and self-entitled.

And what part of "Belle may feel lonely but at the same time she doesn't want unwanted attention" did you all not get? Belle is a girl who is intelligent and realistic and ahead of her time, and the kind of girl who doesn't fall for a guy in a matter of seconds. Seeing all of you sympathizing with Gaston and seeing Belle as a snob, it's making me think you're all as small-minded as the villagers.


I think that you're missing my point. My point is the point you are trying to make. However, the live action movie fails miserably in conveying the story accurately.

In the animated film, the narrator tells the story of what happened to the Prince. He was repulsed by the innocent sweet old beggar woman who knocks on his door seeking shelter for the night. In the live action film, the enchantress disguised as an ugly begger crashes the Prince's COSTUME party. So how does that make the enchantress sympathetic? To me she looks like a lying rude bitch who barges on someone's party. She couldn't knock on the front door politely? If you're asking for help then you should be humble. Right?

It makes me sympathize with the prince. He's having a party which he rightfully can. His party gets rudely interrupted by a trespasser disguised as an old ugly woman.
How do you think a prince would react? Of course he would laugh at her.

But in the animated film, right away you see how mean the prince was and I didn't feel sorry for him after the enchantress places the spell over the castle.

Also in the animated film, we grow to love the beast just as Belle does. But in the live action film, you have no connection to him whatsoever. You're basically rooting for the Beast and Belle to hook up because your sympathies are with the servants of the castle.

All I'm saying is that this entire live action remake depends on whether you have seen the animated film. And why bother watching this movie when there is a better alternative?


I HAVE seen the animated film, and while I do like it, it has a lot of plot holes. This live action film fixed many of the plot holes and now I know why the characters act the way they are. Not only that, they add in subtlety in dialogue. That is why I love the live action film, and nothing that you say is ever going to change that.


If you couldn't understand an animated film for kids then something is wrong with you. There were no plot holes. The story is simple.


Then how would you explain this part of this website here?


Look for adaptational expansion and you'll see what I mean.


My browser would flagged that as spam.


Then here's what it says from the website.
Why are none of the villagers aware of an enchanted castle only a relatively short distance away from where they live? Part of the Enchantress's curse not only seals the castle off from the outside world, but makes everyone in the surrounding area forget all about it.

The confusing timeline of the seasons in the animated filmnote  is explained here by having the castle — on top of everything else — be locked in an eternal winter, while it's clearly summer in the world outside.

The puzzling implication that the Prince was left to run his castle at only 11 years old — "Ten years we've been rusting" since everyone was transformed, but the rose blooms until his 21st year — is eliminated by dropping all references to his age and how many years pass before Belle comes to the castle, and firmly establishing that he was an adult when he was cursed. "Ten years" is changed to "Too long". In the meantime, a Flashback to his youth has his parents appear.

Belle and Maurice are given significant Backstory explaining why they moved to the village in the first place ("Every morning just the same/Since the morning that we came/To this poor provincial town") and why Belle has a Missing Mom. They lived in Paris until a plague killed Belle's mother. Maurice became desperate to protect Belle and thus they moved to the small, safe village. This also provides an alternate reason for Maurice setting out in the first place; his music boxes are sold at an out-of-town market once a year. This same change explains better why Belle is an outcast in the village, as they see her as a city-born kook obsessed with reading (something only the well-educated do).


Gaston is a war hero on top of having good looks and hunting/fighting skills, which goes further in explaining why someone so obnoxious is so beloved and trusted by the townsfolk. Mentioning a war in his introductory scene also quickly establishes that, unlike the original hunter of animals, this one has likely killed humans before (and a Black Comedy scene where Lefou calms him down by reminiscing about war builds on this), making it a smaller jump to his evil acts later in the film.


Yeah I hear ya. But he's still more sympathetic than Gaston in the animated film. This Gaston is not obnoxious either. I rather liked him. He made more sense than any of the other characters did. It's like you could meet a guy like Gaston in real life; he's that realistic. I think when you called him obnoxious, you're giving him attributes from the character in the animated film.

I see now that the characters from this film very different from the characters in the animated film. Their motivations and personalities are different. La Fou may as well have been an original character because he isn't anything like La Fou from the animated film.

And although this film seeks to modernize the plot, it still relies way too much on the animated film as a backdrop. It's okay for children to believe that a human could fall in love with a beast, but live action is a completely different thing altogether especially since the Beast and his servants hid his true identity from Belle and how to break the curse. So for all Belle knew, she was willing to have married and had sex with an animal. Makes little sense.

I think that adults shouldn't be ashamed of loving an animated cartoons. That way we wouldn't need weird live action remakes of these wonderful Disney animated films. Their stories and themes speak to all generations and to the human condition. It's definitely not for children. And how could it be when adults are usually present when kids are watching these films?


Then explain how he's more sympathetic when he left Maurice to die at the jaws of the wolves.


He was fed up with being rejected for no reason. He was angry. Neither Belle nor her father gave Gaston a reason why Belle refused to marry him.
And since Belle and Maurice made Gaston a single minded idiot, how else was Gaston supposed to react? That's why I felt sorry for him.

I've met people in real life who have done horrible things all because their desire was refused for no reason. Lol


There is a reason why they rejected him, if you bother to look closely. Belle rejected Gaston, because although Gaston did compliment Belle's book, he then starts abruptly changing the subject to inviting himself over to Belle's house for dinner. At first Belle rather politely refuses, but when he asks if she's busy, this is when she starts to get uneasy with him and she says no. Gaston is basically giving her unwanted attention, which she does not like. Later when she got in trouble with the headmaster, Gaston starts relentlessly pursuing her to her house, stepping on her cabbages, blocking her path, and following her to the door, and then grabbing her dress and pulling her towards him. This is essentially stalking her. Girls do not like guys who stalk them relentlessly.


Belle treated Gaston like he was an idiot and that's wrong.
Honestly the Belle in this movie is kind of a crazy bitch. She lools down upon all the townspeople. She even walks over those girls workspace. She talks bad about them. She snubs the most eligible bachelor in town for no reason other than her complete contempt for the town. Who died and made her queen?

Whereas in the animated film, Belle just wants adventure and romance like in the books she reads. What makes her odd is that she's an introvert.

But this Belle is like a total snobby bitch. She's completely unlikeable.


Oh my God, did you not listen to all the reason I just put down for you to read? Do use your common sense.


I saw the movie just like you did and I am telling you that even though Gaston did minor presumptuous things to Belle, doesn't make him any less sympathetic in my opinion.


So you are telling me that you are sympathizing with stalkers is that right?

And I saw this film 4 times already more than you have since you hated it.


Onto Maurice, Gaston was starting to lose his patience. Don't believe me? Here's the exchange.

Gaston: I am done playing this game! Where is Belle?
Maurice: Belle is with the...
Gaston: There are no such things as beasts, or talking tea cups, or magic! But there are wolves frostbite and starvation!
Lefou: Deep breaths, Gaston. Deep breaths.
Gaston: So why don't we just turn around and go back to Villenueve? I'm sure Belle is back at home cooking a lovely dinner!
Maurice: If you think I made all this up then why did you offer to help?
Gaston: Because I want to marry your daughter! Now... let's go home!
Maurice: Belle is not at home! She is with the...
Gaston: If you say beast one more time, I WILL FEED YOU TO THE WOLVES!
Lefou: Gaston, stop it! Breath! Happy thoughts! Go back to the war! Blood, explosions, countless widows.
Gaston: Widows...
Lefou: Yes yes that's it. That's it.
Gaston: (turns to Maurice smiling like nothing happened) Maurice! Old Bean! Now that's no way to treat my future father-in-law is it?!
Maurice: Who's your father in law? You will never marry my daughter. (Gaston punches Maurice.)

Gaston threatened to feed Maurice to the wolves and Maurice heard about Gaston's affairs with widows. A man with a violent temper and happy thoughts like that is a no go for Belle and Maurice.


The game Gaston is referring to is when he allows Maurice to guide them into the woods searching for something that any sane person would not take seriously. Would you believe from a crazy snobbish man that there was a beast living in a castle with talking furniture and stuff in your neighborhood?


I would. Especially if he is the one who saw it in the first place and if he's being sincere and desperate.


Omg lol

Okay. Okay. I saw a talking snake in my yard yesterday. Wanna come see it?


That is just you being a massive troll. I watched the film and I saw what Maurice saw. You're so delusional and detached from reality.


Obviously the audience knows about the spell put on the Beast and ectera. But the townspeoole in the story didn't know because that was part of the spell. Duh.


So basically you're telling me that you prefer to stick to Gaston and the villagers side, and you're going to be as small-minded as them?


I'm saying that this movie is stupid and inferior to the animated film.


The only stupid thing around here is you.


Now now. Did I call you stupid because we disagree?


Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you go forcing people to agree with you. You have no sense of respect for others other than yourself and you always want to be right and put others who think differently in the wrong.


You keep saying that I am forcing people to agree with me. How come you don't agree with me since you say that I'm forcing people? Lol


Because your posts are not realistic and are lacking in common sense. Also you fail to grasp at the subtlety this film has shown.


That's not true. I don't think that I always have to be right. Stop making up stuff.


A new conflict between Gaston and Maurice is added to the story. In the film, Maurice outright refuses to let Gaston marry Belle (in the original film, he's genuinely open to the idea of the two of them getting together, at least at first). This is what pushes Gaston to knock the old man out and tie him to a tree in the woods, leaving him to die in the cold (or to be eaten by the wolves). After he's saved by Agathe, Maurice returns to the village to confront Gaston, only for the latter to turn the tables on him by getting him incarcerated, thus sparing himself from any consequences for his crime.

The original film made it clear that Belle had no interest in Gaston and that his Stalker with a Crush attitude made him dangerous, but said nothing about the vulnerability of a single woman during that period of history. The new film has Gaston's unsuccessful wooing of Belle include him drawing her attention to the miserable life of spinsters in a peasant town once their fathers have died, making it clear to young viewers that Belle's situation isn't as easy as simply saying no.


Right. Maurice flat out refused to give his daughter's hand in marriage even after Gaston traveled all that way into the woods with Maurice in the middle of the night searching for a castle owned by a beast that nobody has ever seen nor heard about. People were laughing at Maurice yet Gaston actually gives Mairice the benefit of the doubt. That was a gracious thing Gaston did.

Look at it from Gaston's point of view. Belle and her dad come off as complete snobby lunatics.


For God's sake, did you not forget that Gaston threatened to feed Maurice to the wolves before Maurice rejected him?

I think the only snobby lunatic around here is you. You have a poor sense of common sense and reality.


I don't blame Gaston for trying to murder Maurice! The guy was a jerk for no reason to Gaston.


Oh my God, did you not listen to the reasons behind Maurice rejecting Gaston? You have no sense of common sense here at all.


So you're saying that Maurice reject Gaston marrying Belle because Gaston couldn't believe Maurice's story about a mysterious beast who's living in a secret castle that had animated talking furniture and dishes?


No, he rejected Gaston because Gaston threatened to feed Maurice to the wolves, and Maurice just heard Gaston and Lefou talk about Gaston's happy thoughts (blood, explosions and countless widows). This shows that Gaston is someone more likely to mistreat Belle in their marriage, and that is why Maurice refuses to let Gaston marry Belle.


No that's not what happened and you know it. Gaston tells Maurice that the only reason he agreed to go with Maurice to rescue Belle was because Gaston wanted to marry Belle. Gaston askes Maurice if Maurice would give his consent to Gaston. Maurice refuses.

Then Gaston got angry and tried to kill Maurice. I don't blame Gaston. Maurice is a crazy asshole. First of all, Gaston was the only person that agreed to follow Maurice to rescue Belle even though the reasons sounded preposterous. That shows Gaston has hero qualities and is gracious.

What is wrong with those qualities in a person?
Secondly, Gaston shows interest in Belle's books even though he doesn't even read books. That shows care.
And Gaston explains to Belle what happens to women who don't get married. That shows concern.

So what is wrong with that?


Look at the dialogue again.

Gaston: I am done playing this game! Where is Belle?
Maurice: Belle is with the...
Gaston: There are no such things as beasts, or talking tea cups, or magic! But there are wolves frostbite and starvation!
Lefou: Deep breaths, Gaston. Deep breaths.
Gaston: So why don't we just turn around and go back to Villenueve? I'm sure Belle is back at home cooking a lovely dinner!
Maurice: If you think I made all this up then why did you offer to help?
Gaston: Because I want to marry your daughter! Now... let's go home!
Maurice: Belle is not at home! She is with the...
Gaston: If you say beast one more time, I WILL FEED YOU TO THE WOLVES!
Lefou: Gaston, stop it! Breath! Happy thoughts! Go back to the war! Blood, explosions, countless widows.
Gaston: Widows...
Lefou: Yes yes that's it. That's it.
Gaston: (turns to Maurice smiling like nothing happened) Maurice! Old Bean! Now that's no way to treat my future father-in-law is it?!
Maurice: Who's your father in law? You will never marry my daughter. (Gaston punches Maurice.)

THAT is from the film.


That shows Gaston cared about Belle's wellbeing and is graciously entertaining crazy ideas from a snobby crazy old man.



Gaston does not care for Belle's wellbeing. Gaston only wanted to help Maurice just to benefit himself. Every good thing he does is done solely for his own benefit. It is NOT out of genuine concern!

You have just lost all sense of common sense and reality.


And you think that way because of the dialog where Gaston finally is fed up with Maurice and his story about a mysterious beast living in a secret castle inhabited by animated talking furniture and dishes. All that shows is that Gaston obviously doesn't care about Maurice's wellbeing.


Gaston said earlier on after his first conversation with Belle, here.

"It's the ones that play hard to get that are always the sweetest prey."

That is predatory. He sees Belle as nothing more than a prize to be won.


Oh he said prey? I must have misunderstood his accent or something.
Omg the worst sound editing done on this film.
Geesh. This film is overpriced crap.


You're definitely a troll here. You leave me no choice but to report you.


I'm not a troll!
You should be reported for making false claims with your srupid thread. How many other people that misunderstood Gaston have you reported?


None. And I think you're misunderstanding the entire point of Gaston's character. Gaston is there to show the theme of not judging people by first impressions. Gaston is charming and heroic on the outside but he is a monster on the inside.


Gaston also saysto La Fou: "That's what makes Belle so appealing. She hasn't tried to make a fool of herself to gain my favor. What do you call that?"

La Fou says: "Dignity."

Gaston says: "It's outrageously attractive. Isn't it?"

So does Gaston know what prey means since there are a lot of words he doesn't know. He admitted to not knowing something else La Fou said to him while they were riding their horses.


That is what makes him a stalker. He sees Belle not being interested in him as a challenge.


Do you want proof? There is your proof.



C'mon this argument has been dead for several days now. Let it go already.


Fine. On the condition that you leave others who think of this movie differently from you alone.


I'm going to voice my opinion just as you have. You started this thread to force others to believe what you believe and now you are angry because you couldn't convince me that the movie does not make Gaston a sympathetic character. Instead they were suppose to make him a villain. In other words, the movie humanizes all the characters and the result is that we see Belle as gold digging snob who feels nothing but contempt for illiterate adults like Gaston, her father the same, and the community against Belle and her father because Belle and Maurice snubs them, and Gaston is the only man in the village that likes Belle's style. La Fou serves as the point-of-view character but doesn't fulfill his purpose because the writing of Gaston undermines that.

If they had stayed with the characterization of the characters from the Disney animated film, then these misinterpretations wouldn't exist because in the animated film there is no doubt Gaston is evil. He is never made to look sympathetic at all. We see that he is the antagonist for the Beast. And the themes for this live action film are muddled at best.

The point is, that as far as our argument is concerned, you look like the hypocrite here. Don't tell me - or your audience- nonsense about how Gaston is supposed to be this or that. We don't need you to scold us about how we view the characters unless you are willing to consider the many flaws in this film.


You're not getting what I'm saying.

For a start, in your other thread, you've told the other people who loved this film that they've wasted their money on watching this film. THAT is what making me so mad.

Secondly, the reason why I don't like your opinion is because it has one thing it lacked. Common sense and reality. That is why I disagree with you.


Well I'm sorry you feel that way but I really think you ought to GET OVER IT. Not everyone is going to agree with you.
You act as if you wrote the film.

It's not my fault the film wasn't that great.


You may think that the film wasn't great. Most audiences think otherwise.


Is that why you're trying to change their minds? Lol
I see so many complaints.
The only reason people went to see this movie was because the animated film was so wonderful.
This live action film is a poor reboot.
Just like most reboots.

Okay we don't even have to compare the two films. We can just critique the live action film on its own, which I already have.
It's not that great of a movie. If it had came out before the animated film, this film still wouldn't have impressed anyone.

Now leave me alone.
Go bother the other people mocking this film. You can find them on the main page. But I have been objective. I feel suckered into seeing this movie.
Thanks. Now goodbye.


Fine I'll leave you alone to be a small-minded, delusional madman with no sense of common sense, and no ability to look deeper into films.
