anyone watching?



I am. I know people are calling it a rip-off of 50 first dates, but I like it better. It's less of a comedy and more romantic. I also like the characters more in this movie.


I agree. SImilar plot but somewhat different. Especially since this is mostly from the point of view of the person who lost their memory and 50 first dates was the other way around.


He's going to have the surgery, remember where the blue diamond is and save the cheerleader thus save the world.


Nope. Apparently he already had it two years ago.

Save a horse, ride a cowboy.


Still, while watching Gus' botched attempts at explaining his situation to Molly, I wondered why he didn't send her the 50 First Dates DVD with a note saying, I'm Drew Barrymore. Will you be my Adam Sandler?"


I'm enjoying it. The premise isn't new, nor was it new with 50 First Dates, or with Memento, or some even older films, but so what. It's a good flick.


was one of the best romantic movies i've seen in awhile! was sooo not expectin the end


I hated the ending


It wasnt that bad...i sucked that he dnt remember her...but atleast they get a start over wasnt bad in my book


i am so disappointed :(((


Funny how Once Upon A Time kinda had the same theme right b4 this movie aired.

Glad they never had a some crazy scene where he sniffs a flower or sees a comet and is suddenly able to remember, though they teased at it. Bledel had a decent character arc.

I'd believe that love doesn't need the function of a short term memory. The chemical reactions probably take place elsewhere in the brain.

"what is your major malfunction numbnuts?!!"


It was a Hallmark movie so I was sort of expecting that to happen... but if it were a lifetime movie that would've happened and either they would've lived happily ever after or she would've gotten hit by a bus and died right before he could tell her he remembered everything


Does anyone know the quote from the speech given at the wedding reception?


" Does anyone know the quote from the speech given at the wedding reception? "

The commercial?

Angie, you’ve been blessed to find someone you can move through this life with.
Together you’ve learned that love doesn’t just happen.
You have to create it, craft it and nurture it.
It can be even better when it’s been held in the palm of the hand and cradled for a while.
You’ve grown a love that is enduring and stunning in it’s beauty.
Congratulations on your wedding and continuing to create your lives together.

Watch here...


Well, Alexis Bledel is in it so of course..... not!!


It was cute and I liked it.


I loved it. I thought it was better than 50 First Dates.

Wonder is the seed of knowledge.


Just watched Remember Sunday tonight. < I went semi-old school, and taped it(on a VCR) last Sunday on abc.---Was not able to watch it then. I really liked, enjoyed it. I also found this film to be better than 50 First Dates, as well as the two lead characters to be better, more appealing. I also liked that it was more of a drama with some comedy mixed in to the film. Alexis and Zachary are two extremely talented actors that had great chemistry.


Watching what?


…enjoy yourself, it's later then you think it is!
