MovieChat Forums > Debug (2015) Discussion > Why the low ratings??

Why the low ratings??

This movie isn't a 4.6. It's a low budget sci-fi movie and I can completly understand why people could hate films like this but how about not watching it then?? It's not like they are trying to trick you into thinking this is the newest Michael Bay Movie where the film reel is just a tied together line of money. Compared to big studio movies the effects are outdated, there is no denying that.
If you are someone who can enjoy low budget movies and are a fan of the "Lost in space" sort of movies, then this is a guaranteed evening of entertainment.


I quite liked a lot of the visuals, but low budget does not entitle you to a free pass on painfully contrived plot devices. This could have been a great little movie, but imho it got derailed by some woeful story choices. Like a reviewer menntioned it's also lacking in the atmosphere department and Jason Momoa's character is played like something from an episode of Lexx.


Apart from cleavage I don't even remember what the movie was about, but I liked it.


It's not about the low budget if everything else works, but in this piece of astroturd, nothing works. The plot is terrible, the acting is terrible, heck even the sci-fi is terrible. You're correct on one thing though, that this movie isn't a 4.6. It's a 2.6 at best. Debug is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It's on par with tt0274518. In fact, this is so bad that it makes Sharknado look like a masterpiece worthy of an oscar or two.


I thought it sucked,this is almost on the level of Space Station 76. I kind of like David Hewlett acting and movies he is in, but this is a pile of crap.

As far as Michael Bay movies the first Transformers was good and the rest have been garbage.

Just because something is low budget does not mean it has to be bad.


"can completly understand why people could hate films like this but how about not watching it then?"

What a moronic statement. How can you know if you hate a movie unless you watch it first?

And the low rating is because the movie is crap. There are good low budget movies—this isn't one.


Because it's dumb. The plot is phenomenally dumb.


Hmmm. Makes me want to watch this movie so I can bash it too!😀


How is the plot dumb? Please explain. (Anybody, feel free.)


Agreed. This is actually a quite good movie. I'm up to 8 stars out of 10. If it had expensive production values, I'm sure critics would make more of an effort to understand the plot properly. This movie is a treat for all TRUE sci-fi fans. It's idea-driven, and the ideas are good. Unlike Event Horizon, the plot develops like a sci-fi plot should, and not like a horror plot. What people are forgetting is to appreciate the background premise; the kind of society this story takes place in. We have petty criminals doing "community service" by repairing computer systems on derelict space ships, and these systems are artificial intelligences of various kinds which have been abandoned and become deluded. There is nothing wrong with this premise; it's all a bunch of very cool sci-fi ideas. I don't see any significant plot holes in this story. It's very good sci-fi - for those who can appreciate good sci-fi.


It's how the pretty workable premise is wasted. This is a bunch of school kids, getting killed off, not even realizing the danger they are in. It's just waste of time...


For what it's worth I agree with you Sarastro7. It is not a great movie, but it is a good science fiction movie. As for the budget production values,budget compared to what? I'm sure there are many directors who would kill for a budget like this. Of course it is not a Multi million dollar production, but hardly deserves the "Budget " label that other posters have given it.

Mike R Nightingale


Agreed. They spent the money wisely.


I agree, I gave it a 9. No major plot holes or retard "let's split up" decisions as you in most movies.


No, they didn't skirt that cliche, that's exactly what they did. Kaida to James(?): "You check down there, meet you back here". Then she got attacked by the drugged out supervisor trying to save Diondre from a locked waste tube, who was subsequently killed by said junkie.


I don't understand the low ratings either. It was so refreshing to see a horror/sci fi without the typical B-movie mistakes and sudden convenient character-stupidity.

The script was really good IMO, you didn't go "OMG that's retarded" every 5 minutes. Sure it was far fetched at times but nothing more than that, and it IS a sci-fi. The effects were pretty good for a low budget movie and the performances were fine.

I was very pleasantly surprised at this movie.

Big thumbs up!
