7.2? Really...?

I never look at reviews or ratings until after I see a film and when I saw the 7.2 I gasped. If you know a movie isn't for you, don't *beep* watch it. Don't pretend you love all genres then can't stand 90 mins of something that has no action.

If a German (yes, you have to read subtitles) post-war noir drama doesn't interest you, and you feel 90 minutes of your pointless life might be "wasted" when you come to the realization that this film was too BORING for your 10 year old mind to handle, no matter what reviews it gets, DON'T WATCH IT.

Last seen: Phoenix (9/10)


Gave it a 7 because the entire film was too neatly constructed around a conceit of identity, denial and role-playing that, while thematically intriguing, leaves the film overly refined and sadly devoid of the messiness and confusion that better films are able to capture in that particular historical time and place. And I think it would have been better served had it drawn from elements of gothic horror, magic realism, or other genre reference points instead of wallowing in its slick, sobering hyper-realism. But it will no doubt appeal to people who like 'serious dramas' and it will probably win an Oscar.


How can a story this personal capture an entire historical time period? I don't agree with you at all. Not every film has to be similar in showing the "horrors" of a time period. This was unique in the way the story was told, and it's just ONE story, told in an intimate and confined manner. There are thousands of other post-WWII stories. One story shouldn't be criticized for not showing the overall "messiness and confusion".

I have no idea what you mean about hyper-realism. Is the story unlikely? Maybe. Is it implausible? No. If you criticize this film for not being 100% realistic, then you must not enjoy very many movies..

It'll appeal to people who like "serious dramas" because it's masterfully written, acted, and directed, with an unforgettable ending. Just my opinion.

Last seen: DBZ Resurrection F (7/10)


It's not that I'm demanding that the film should have adopted a wider lens and offered a more comprehensive picture of the time and place. I simply wish the film had felt more observed and less contrived, less pushy and singular in its theoretical focus, and more patient and tactful in developing its themes. Alternatively, if the filmmaker was intent on lingering so heavily in the absurd psychodrama of identity and denial, I wish the film had developed the richness and playfulness to match the ambitiousness of its literary exploit. For a film with such a difficult premise to accept, it was too drab for my taste.



To me it sounds like you were expecting a different type of film. You couldn't get passed the story's premise, which isn't really as "absurd" as you put it. It's difficult to enjoy something when you aren't interested in the plot. I can understand that.

Last seen: DBZ Resurrection F (7/10)


I wasn't expecting anything, but yes, I think it would have been a better film if it had done some things differently. Not all stories are equally worth telling. Not all approaches to telling a story are equally worth executing.


7.2 is ridiculously low for this film.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.


Marjeez: Why don't you say what you really think?


I'm trying to grasp the point of this thread. Do you really think that someone you describe would even look twice at a German period drama that's only playing at art house cinemas? Really?Let's look at http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2764784/ratings: ~2300 people rated it a 7/10 or below. That's more than half. Are they all 10 year olds? Nope, in fact the younger people rated it highest. Maybe they're "dumb uncultured Americans..." Nope. Americans rated it highest. But surely the top 1,000 voters who are practically professional film raters loved it... Sorry, they thought it deserved a 6.3. :(I'm glad you loved it. Really. But to assume the people who didn't are somehow less than is childish. It was a good movie, no denying, but it was hardly great. 7/10 ---It wants no straps. - Karlhttp://www.imdb.com/board/bd0000024/nest/158601447


But surely the top 1,000 voters who are practically professional film raters loved it... Sorry, they thought it deserved a 6.3. :(

It's a very optimistic assumption that Top Voters are some branch of elitist voters. There are many who just love to push the voting button, but haven't even seen the movie they're rating. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the Top 1000 voters were actually trolls.

Anyway, this movie has an exceptional 99% RT approval and a 90 on metacritic. I'd say that reflects its quality much more.


To the OP: You're really a nasty and judgmental piece of work, aren't you? If anyone's life is pointless, it's certainly yours, since you apparently have nothing better to do than post pretentious rants about this crappy, boring movie. Maybe you like this movie so much because you are as unlikeable as the characters in it.


For me i tought it was average at best not because i found it boring, or because there was no action/explosion

It was because i tought the lead character was completely unlikeable, Johnny sold her out, got her arrested, shot, put in a concentration camp, had to endure multiple surgery and the first thing she does as soon as shes ok is going to see him cause she loves him.

I was almost screaming at my tv dont go back, listen to your friend you dumb bitch, reminded me a battered woman unable to leave her man cause she loves him

On top of it she was loaded with money and didnt depend on him at all for her survival, i get that many women in a bad situation stay with their man to keep their lifestyle, not end up on the street or for their kids but that wasnt the case with Nelly


What the hell are you talking about? 7.2 is a good rating.

By your twisted logic, every movie should be over 9.0, because every movie should be only watched and rated by those who loved it. This is extremely stupid. You can't be sure exactly what you'll be watching, so you'll see "bad" movies no matter how hard you try to avoid them all. Also even intelligent people who love the genre can have very different viewpoints on the same movie for various reasons.

If all of this is too COMPLICATED for your 10 year old mind to handle, DON'T POST ABOUT IT.


Since Amazon took over this site, people who actually like film have mostly left and people who like celebrities have mostly come here. For those of you who are not aware, the current group of idiots brought here thanks to Amazon have chosen the "Shawshank Redemption" as the greatest film ever made.

This film (Phoenix), which, I think, is one of the great films of not only this year, but one of the best films made, does not compete here with other films similar to it, but competes with the crap coming out of Hollywood. OK, those of us who like Phoenix may not like Hollywood, but that is what the majority of users here like.

It is really a waste of time to look at what the users here rate films. It's like going to a heavy metal concert and asking one of the audience which Beethoven Sonata he likes best.


Since Amazon took over this site, people who actually like film have mostly left and people who like celebrities have mostly come here.

I don't really chart developments like that, but I've always found the film reviews by customers over at amazon to be more detailed and informed than the average review here at imdb.

I like imdb for the discussion boards, but when I want to read more insightful viewer responses, I will look at the amazon reviews. They're usually better written, it seems to me.



I predict it will go up now that it's trending on Netflix and people are discovering it. I gave it a 9.
