Watching it now!

Hilarious. Absolutely brilliant.


what is it? war drama? juice? cat love?



Yes, it was very good and I urge you to catch it when it's repeated. It's a satirical look at the bloodbath from the equal views of officers and men without any class barriers.


Just finished watching this. Wonderfully, wittily scripted, loved the word play. IMDB needs to get it's rear in gear though. Ben Chaplin isn't currently filming this......

Robin Hood Country....


and oh so effective.


Fantastic, very funny and poignant. TG for Sky+ :)


It truly is brilliant. Absolutely true brilliance!

Our men locked in battle during World War I, sent off to fight while those behind their desks planning each attack remain behind. At some time, someone's going to find a creative way to tell off the powers that be. Fortunately for us. our group does upon finding a printing press in Ypers. A few words bandied about between the few in attendance and next thing you know, fox hole journalism for the boys has been created.

Rather practical diversion for such times. Gives the men a laugh, lifts their spirits, spares a few rear officers their lives. What fun!

Before music, there was silence.
And the flame still burns
Readers ARRRRRR leaders
