is it any good.

I'm gonna try it on demand if it is any good. I watch shows like justified, sons of anarchy, copper, game of thrones, walking dead and stuff like that. I'm considering watching this cause i like roth and of course the king of the north.


I'm over an hour into it and its pretty good so far. There's no episode list on IMDB so I don't know how long it's going to be.


Nevermind there's a post a couple ones down and it says its 6 hours long. Two hours a night. Like Mob City was.


Episode 1 was pretty mediocre, and the countdown clock in the bottom right corner was very annoying.



I'm gonna try it on demand if it is any good. I watch shows like justified, sons of anarchy, copper, game of thrones, walking dead and stuff like that. I'm considering watching this cause i like roth and of course the king of the north.
I was aware in advance of its broadcast, so I set the DVR to record everything. Started watching a bit of it tonight and have to say that it looks great, and the location shots were AMAZING! Like really awesome!!

Worth it just to see the beautiful integration of a production into the natural world.


Sorry, but I tend to disregard anyone's opinion that uses the words "great", "AMAZING", and "really awesome!" in the same line.

This is very hard to read, isn't it?



I like the same sort of shows as you, so here's my recommendation: binge watch it and you'll enjoy it. I watched the whole six hours yesterday and I thought it was great--rich and interesting enough to make me want to know more. I'm not sure I would have felt the same at an hour per week.

We're all getting spoiled by On Demand so the weekly shows have to keep the action going to keep us invested--minotaur rape, zombie massacre, assassin of the week, pow, pow, pow. The tension payoff here was slower because the hardships were from real life, but they were still pretty mind-boggling.


If you like the shows you listed, then your taste is too good to watch this junk....don't waste your time....


I like most of the shows you mentioned as well. I Dvr'd the episodes last week and watched 2 of the 3 today. I've really enjoyed it so far, but I am a history buff, myself. I had no real knowledge of the gold rush outside what was mentioned in school In passing but this makes me want to learn more.
Looks like the whole experience really sucked and most people didn't strike it rich. :(
