Liberal Rant...

"Hope"...where have we hear that word before?

PCness in 1897... So much dribble you could only expect today that I was surprised they didn't speak of "Native Americans."

Woman's Suffrage... the heroine protests she won't leave the Yukon for the states for her own independence and her lack of the right to vote.

Angelic domineering woman near the Arctic... wearing outlandish costumes and makeup not even close to the period. Kind of like Will Smith in Wild Wild West fiction unlike what I expected as a period piece.

This instantly recognizable liberal dribble displayed through the lens of today's left leaning idealistic universe twisted what could have been more interesting. Instead you receive soap opera style drama with laughable situations just made the series difficult to swallow.

The lion's share of the user reviews are consistent with my criticism yet I'm surprised not any such mention here in this forum.


I like Belinda's character, and she's based on an actual figure just as the Jack London you saw in Klondike. I didn't think she was infallible and her stubbornness did prove to be her downfall.

That said, the amount of respect she commanded had to be glorified for today's audience. There is no way on Earth an unmarried woman ran a lawless mining town back then. Sure, maybe if she was pulling the strings behind a rich landlord husband we could buy into that a little easier.

Best YouTube channel you're not watching:


Actually, if you read Charlotte Gray's book that this series was based on, Belinda was very well respected in Dawson City. She had her hand in a lot of businesses. Belinda was a unique woman for her time, as she probably would have not had the success and respect she found in Dawson if she were still in the States.


Every now and then say, "What the *beep*." "What the *beep*" gives you freedom.


DBlake, for the sake of discussion, what kind of story would you have written if you were the writer/producer and were to strip the story of its "left leaning, liberal pc lens?"

Unless you are making a documentary, you have to have drama. Drama will have some kind of underlying POV. Actually, documentaries do too, but that's another story.

I'm not interested in politics, but in what makes a good story/drama.

So, strip away the POV. What would you put in? What would it be about? Who are the characters? What goals do they have? What are the conflicts? What does it lead to, and what, if anything, do they come out of it with?

What story would you have made? And how would tell it well?


I think OP would have been more gratified if all Natives were instantly subjugated or outright killed, and all women raped and beaten at will. Because that would have been more "real", I guess.....



How about making a movie that is accurate and politically benign. No wonder this was made into a tv flick.


PS @Racheal don't be a jerk and put your dumb and insensitive words in my mouth. You added nothing to this conversation.



regardless of "real people" being portrayedin this mess, or the inaccuracies in the book (yes, i said it) compounded by this... "thing" -- it was historically revisionist and also yes, to the left.

and whoever claims *the book* got it right has another think coming. the arguments of your comments being inferred as "far right" are idiotic (hence the authors of said comments).

well done, OP... well done!!!




you always, ALWAYS agree with yourself, don't you.




Do you *beep* crazy wack jobs literally see a liberal conspiracy everywhere you look? The show sucked, end of story.

I'm doing God's work... because the bastard's too lazy to do it himself.


Yes, yes they do.


"Do you *beep* crazy wack jobs literally see a liberal conspiracy everywhere you look?"

Well, not "everywhere" . . . but often in communications which employ salutations such as, ah, "you *beep* crazy wack jobs".


So sorry for calling a spade a spade.


Now, there you go with the racial slurs! Geeeeeeeeez!!


Now, there you go pulling out your PC badge like always.


Ah, Cwente is here as well as Blake. All we need is to get Zero_Wolf here so we can get the Crypto-Fascist Drooling Idiot Convention 2016 going.

Formerly KingAngantyr


awesome answer -- only the idiots will think it's a racial comment


It's been said that a pun is the lowest form of humor and sarcasm the highest. Given that sarcasm is the sine qua non of my comment -- ah, an "idiot's" comment -- what do you call someone who can't even recognize a humerous taunt for what it is? . . .

I'll slide out of this nonsense, then, and recall for y'all the wisdom of Aristotle who said, "The boor is of no use in conversation. He contributes nothing worth hearing, and takes offense at everything." . . . Let that be a lesson to me! (In case you haven't figured it out -- that's sarcasm, too.)


speaking of boors, you cite all that 7th-grade philosophy and yet fail to recognize sarcasm yourself?

physician heal thyself; brevity is the soul of wit... i tuned you out long ago.


Whew! . . . Brief enough?


One typical logical fallacy that sophists employ to try to "win" an argument is appealing to authority, for example quoting Aristotle when it has nothing to do with the conversation.


A very racist drama. Depicts the white man as the savage and the Indians as peaceful and courageous.

In reality, before the Europeans arrived the American Indians were waring like nobody's business. The Inca and Maya were fixated with gold like you just can't believe. They slaughtered and enslaved men, women and children.

The North Indian Americans, as depicted in the drama, were barely literate. If it hadn't been for Western progress, today they would still be living back on the plain in tepee's/mud huts and continuing to be hostile to anyone who didn't look like them. And this whole, 'this is our land' business. Doesn't exactly sound like the sort of thing modern liberals believe especially when it comes to property ownership and nationalism. These Indians were highly protectionist and racist against newcomers.

And the main reason the early European Christian settlers got involved in conflict was because they were forced to take sides with neighboring Indian tribes - 'you help us to kill our tribal enemies with your guns or we will slaughter you.'


It's rants like this that you have no friends.

If you cannot even enjoy a drama on TV without looking for political spooks behind everything, you must be very unhappy and an absolute slog to be around.


Whatever. My wife noted these things and I most certainly agreed. She couldn't stomach more than the first installment. At least I did complete the picture. If all you can add to this discussion is to be critical of the messenger then I wouldn't want you as my friend. Anyway to it's my opinion and you know opinions are a little like a$$holes, everyone has one.



Thanks for the correction on drivel. I feel better now. :-)



So, what's the opposite of "liberal ranting"? Conservative Gloating? Right Wing Non Apologist? Gotcha! Gotcha! Gotcha! Ah hah ah hah, blah blah blah


That's a good question Cherubalways... I haven't seen too many pictures that were right leaning, oh I'm sure they are some out there. But is that what I came to see here watching Klondike? There are many out there who feel that way, that the movie industry is slanted quite liberally. There are some liberals who don't let out a squeak of their political beliefs within their movie and they go on to be the most successful of all! (i.e. James Cameron's Titanic).

I'm not here to make this a political exercise or argument which would be futile. My sole point to making this post is to alert those who watch the film can expect to be spoon fed left leaning propaganda. You can't deny that fact.

Have fun!


Oh come on, if you try hard enough you could manufacture... er... I mean spot the liberal conspiracy that was present in the movie Titanic. After all, it vilified the rich by portraying Cal Hockley as a greedy self centered snob while portraying Jack Dawson, a homeless man, as a noble hero.
