MovieChat Forums > Welcome to New York (2015) Discussion > Challenging topic, great movie!

Challenging topic, great movie!

I found the movie interesting and the whole matter different from the typical movie where it is easy to pick Good vs Evil.
The movie was excellently made and the acting SUPERB... GREAT character study ...
I found Gerard Depardieu courageous (how many american leading men would be caught in the naked scene where he they take all his humanity away from him ???
And some other thread found it boring... I suppose it was if all you can watch is The Hobbit movies where constant action is guaranteed!


Agreed. Plus it takes twice the guts for someone insanely fat like Gerard to show his body than someone lets say more average.

I loved it too. I almost laugh when I think about the guts Ferrara had to portray a rapist in a neutral or almost sympathetic manner.

At least they had a scene with the actual rape, otherwise maybe they would have claimed him to be innocent. (although they just show the beginning of it so you don't really know)

It's funny when you see him in the car on his way to the airport and he phones the Hotel, he hasn't got a clue that he's done something wrong! LOL

Ed Powers = Woody Allen
