Better then gold rush

Very refreshing not seeing the Hoffmans!


Yeah way better so far, I'm sure they'll turn to the same awful scripted reality stuff eventually when they realize there's only so much they can do with a show about gold mining


Good point - I liked Gold Rush in the first season 1


It's always interesting to see how much gold they get. That's the main draw of the gold mining shows is to see how good or bad they've done.

Although it's not interesting when they don't even set up a mining operation. Like Bramazon and Jungle Gold. On Jungle Gold the only time they made money was when they bought gold someone else mined and sold it to someone else for more money. Those guys were horrible.


I'm halfway through the first episode and way better than Gold Rush.


I know eh.

+++ Jason


a lot better than Gold Rush, this are professionals..
I like Gold Rush, but Tood is so stupid, that Im willing to pay for kick his ass.. :D
And I am a women, so probably a lot of men will do the same, and miners.. :D
I didnt know that only one person could concentrate so much stupidity..
Please no more Todd, Dave should be the boss..
