Wow Kolby

I am really starting to dislike that family, especially the mom. It was wrong to take Salem to church. The end. And then to flip it around and say that Teryn was the one who was wrong for being upset is just straight-up manipulative. That was definitely the work of a master manipulator, they've probably been putting up with that their entire lives. And Kolby is just like her.



Kolby was annoying last season with her dramas. Crying and carrying on about her sister not being a virgin before marriage. Her need to be beyond a good girl, so much so she broke up with a boy because she couldn't handle holding hands. She is a sheltered, entitled, unprepared for life, moron.

Now she is trying to manipulate her father, even though he has made it clear her entire life what his conditions are for assisting her to pay for university. If she doesn't like it, don't blame him. She should be blaming herself for not preparing, knowing full well the condition she had to meet to get her father's support. I know plenty of people who got nothing from their father to support their education, but she feels entitled.

Kolby and her mother are now teaming up as hypocrites trying to tell Teryn what to do with her own child. Those two should piss off and mind their own business. They are lucky if Teryn doesn't cut them off completely from her daughter, because they have proven that they are beyond self-righteous, and aren't trustworthy at all.


Yea I thought she would choose a year of spiritual stuff..I'm surprised because last season she acted like the virgin Mary


Remember that Kolby is an idealistic kid. She's struggling with trying to keep her parents happy, yet becoming her own person in the process, and I think she's doing a pretty good job of it - certainly better than most kids her age.


Amen (no pun intended). I am starting to think that Teryn is the only sane one in that family.
