Cheating husband?

Does what he was doing qualify as cheating?


Yes! He was sending that lady money and well, you know the rest...


It didn't even qualify as comedy, much less cheating.


Not in this world. How was he cheating if he never met the person, touched, kissed or done anything else with her. Virtual sex is not real sex so how can it be considered cheating. It is harmless diversion and nothing else.


I didn't see the difference between this and watching/paying for porn... The wife is pregnant and probably not as available.

I kinda thought it was an overreaction to say he was cheating. He does need some help in not spending thousands of dollars on a porn LOL.


Sure not in the vile misogynist world that you live in. If it wasn't cheating then why was he so frantic to hide it from Maggie? Why didn't he do his 'chatting' out in front of her at the dinner table, but instead had to hide like a COWARD in the basement?


He did it in the basement because a man needs a private place away from his hormone driven wife. A place where he can relax and not be nagged to death on a daily basis.

In conclusion it still wasn't cheating, virtual is not real.


The money he sent her was very real.


She was probably an internet therapist who was helping him with his marital problems. The money was for her fees. Did her ever have sex with her? The answer is no so it was not cheating.


He was watching porn, why would he do it in front of his wife?

The sending of (thousands?) of dollars is where it gets sketchy, and lines blurred. But lumping this into the same boat as someone outright fooling around with a co-worker seems unfair.


What if the role was reversed. What if it was the wife in the basement talking to another guy and sending him money would you still consider that cheating?


You can ponder that question all day, but would you want to stay married to someone who obviously has deep feelings, sexual or otherwise, for someone else? IIRC, she gave him a chance to stop and he didn't. Even if he never left her for the other woman, is that the type of person you'd want to be married to?


You can ponder that question all day, but would you want to stay married to someone who obviously has deep feelings, sexual or otherwise, for someone else? IIRC, she gave him a chance to stop and he didn't. Even if he never left her for the other woman, is that the type of person you'd want to be married to?

I agree with this completely. It's disturbing that some people actually think there's nothing wrong with what this man did. Cheating does not have to be physical. Have you people never heard of emotional cheating. He was spending time and money on someone else, and obviously had some kind of feelings for her. And the fact that his wife is pregnant and not as "available" (classy) for sex is certainly no excuse. Hell, she didn't get pregnant by herself. Excuse her for not being in the mood to screw like rabbits while she's carrying his child. The mentality that she wasn't available so it's fine if he looked elsewhere as long as he didn't physically touch the other woman is disgusting. Sorry, but this is not 1950. Men should no longer expect to be able to behave like pigs and have a meek little submissive wife waiting at home, quietly accepting his gross behavior. These days women do have options other than staying married to a loser.



Nobody has said anything about a meek submissive wife waiting at home. Maybe the issue is the portrayal of the husband. They didn't really make him a type a, super attractive, womanizing a-hole. Classy or not neglecting your partner is going to lead to out of character behavior at some point. Men also have options.


He was LYING to her, therefore he was cheating. Typical of all vile mysogynoists like yourself you try and twist and struggle to excuse his LYING cheating behavior by blaming the woman for not wanting to get boned 24/7. And of course you also blame her for getting pregnant in the first place.


LOL! Typical feminist nonsense where a woman has no culpability in a relationship. The guy was spending thousands of dollars on porn. She didn't notice any changes? Or was she likely checked out of the relationship? She doesn't need to bone 24x7, poor misdirect. None of it excuses his actions, but cheating rarely happens in a woman-hating vacuum. Not every man is Charlie Sheen.


Why is there a special word for men who hate women but not one for women who hate men.. My suggestion would be a phrase such as man hating lesbian bitches. I think that covers it all.


"Misandry." And you can keep your suggestions to yourself.


Did I hit a nerve there?

First of all he did not cheat on his wife. Virtual sex on the internet is not cheating. Next you are going say just thinking about having sex with someone other than your mate is cheating.


Nope! I'm not sure who you're responding to here. I told you the word you were looking for, which is "misandry." I said nothing on the topic of sex or what it considered cheating.


He was spending his money, time, emotions on the online woman than his pregnant wife who needed, hell, even if he didn't touch her, he's still a cheater


Wasn't he sending her money? Sounds like it was becoming emotional. If you're being intimate with someone else, whether it's directly or indirectly through the Internet, etc., and not disclosing this with your significant other because you're gonna get in trouble - guess what? You're cheating.



My question was, why wasn't he at the shower? His brother-in-law was. Seemed contrived.
