Only 10 Chapters?

So I'm looking through the walk through for help and it's only saying this is 10 chapters. Is that right? Because I am at the part where Mike is going into the sanitarium after Jessica falls down the tunnels and I think that's like chapter 4 or 5 and that only took me like two hours. Granted I missed some clues and totems in the first two chapters not many but I can't be half way done can I?


You are half way done, unfortunately. But that's when the game really starts getting good and I feel like it doesn't fly by.

I'm so jealous.  I wish I could play those last 3 chapters again for the first time. One of the scariest experiences of my life. So much fun!

Play it a couple more times after you complete it (you probably already have since your post is sort of old). It's way worth it.


You're probably finished by now. How did you like the rest of the game? I thought the game kept getting better and scarier as it went on. The last 5 chapters took me longer to get through.


It is admittedly a short game... about 7-10 hours or so (maybe a little more) is how long I'd guess it takes start-to-finish, depending on play-style. Easy enough to play through in only one or two sittings if you have a free day or two.

But I think the big thing is just how re-playable it is. As soon as I finished my first playthrough, I wanted to immediately play it again, and I played through it three times start-to-finish in less than a month when I first got it. Haven't played it in a while now because I had to move and unfortunately the PS4 belonged to my roommate, but I just ordered myself one and as soon as it arrives, my next full playthrough is the first thing I have planned. That's sort-of the magic of the game. It's short but you get addicted and wanna try to find all the secrets, alternate scenes, character deaths, endings, etc.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?
