New twist

I have a funny feeling that this season is meant to turn us against reddington. The flashbacks and now killing kate. What you reckon?


Oh yes definitely. The less we trust Red, the more we believe what Kirk is selling.

So just like with convincing Liz, if she believes Kirk, she has to think of Red as "an evil obsessed man" who has lied to her for three years.

That's what the writers want us to believe, but I'm not sure I want to give up on Red so quickly.

I have a feeling when Red shot Kate that it was all part of a set up, a plan to make it look like Mr. Kaplan will change sides and go over to help Kirk. Then maybe if she is hired by Kirk, she can kill him.

I think it's all part of a plan. After sleeping on this, I don't think Red ever misses or just wounds someone. If he wanted Mr. Kaplan dead, she would be dead right now, but she's not.


The show deliberately leaves out scenes where plots are hatched. Red and Kate spent all that time traveling around, but none of that was shown. Maybe this is all a plot between Red and Kate. He shoots her and abandons her so that she can have a reason to change sides and go to work with Kirk. Look at what Red did with Mr. Vargas when he was first introduced. I don't know that Kaplan would refuse to get shot if it was necessary to help Red and Liz. Of course, there would be no reason for all of the dialogue if that's what's going on. I think (hope) that this is all a scam.


I think (hope) that this is all a scam.

I honestly believe it must be, rlhand. The only way I can continue to watch the show and not be totally disgusted with Red, is to believe it's part of a plan between them.

Maybe Dembe's supposed to sneak back later to "clean up." Who ya gonna call when you have to clean up the cleaner's body? But in reality, he's going to save her. Maybe it's all part of the plan.

I thought it was kind of funny that Red didn't immediately dig a grave (or have Dembe do it).

At this point, Mr. Kaplan would do anything to try to make up for hurting Red, and to make things right. Even if it's a suicide mission, or it involved getting shot in the shoulder (or where ever Red shot her), she would do it. Looked like Red was aiming high. Where ever the bullet hit her, it didn't knock her unconscious.

Anyway you look at it, I'm so glad to hear she's in another episode soon.


^^^ Agreed Kellykeybored ... And the more I thought about this so called shooting, I'm leaving this up to James Spader himself. A lot of us are upset with Reds deep turn to the dark side again, but if there's one thing Spader is famous for its that he really gets into the characters head of whomever he's portraying. I know over the past few years he had changed the script to how he thinks Red would act or do it etc. I believe he feels this is exactly how the character Red would react to all of this. Thus I'm putting my faith in Spader to act out the way he feels Red would. Red was deeply hurt and betrayed, not to mention devestated by those he cared the most about. It's going to take him a while to get back to his normal damaged self. Spader's acting is spot on perfect with this. So let's give it a few more episodes to see how it plays out. IMHO.


and where did you "hear" that she is in another episode? Are you reading the credits on imdb correctly? compare those of Red and Liz with Kate and you'll see that Mato was her last episode.


and where did you "hear" that she is in another episode? Are you reading the credits on imdb correctly?

No, the information posted on imdb is provided by users. It is notoriously inaccurate.

I'm going by the promo for the next episode, which clearly shows Mr. Kaplan very much alive.

And I'm told there was someone on tumblr that "heard" Mr. Kaplan was also in a future episode. But that may be a flashback, who knows.


and where did you "hear" that she is in another episode?

Well, as for me-- I saw it in the upcoming "teaser", at the end of the last episode that Mr. Kaplan was washing blood from her face in a stream and then later being carried on a stretcher by someone... she appeared alive in both little scenes.

Anyone who watched last week should have seen the teaser, and also have seen her hand move at the end of the episode.

Sometimes fires don't go out when you're done playin' with them.


Yeah, I think she's gonna wake up and be, like, holy *beep* he didn't kill me.

That being said, even if they make James Spader out to be a bad guy, I'm still on his side...the only people I like on this show, in order, Spader, Dembe, Navabi and Aram. Everyone else can die, coma, prison, torture, don't care.
Yes, I know those aren't all verbs, piss off.


I have a funny feeling that this season is meant to turn us against reddington. The flashbacks and now killing kate. What you reckon?

That was a shooting, not a killing, but that's bad enough to turn Red into a character the audience hates.

I measure others according to their ability to accept the boundary set upon them when they are told, "No." Consent. So, Red has always been suspect because of his secrets and lies surrounding Lizzie. It's abusive of him to use her need to protect others as leverage against her. He's been blackmailing her, essentially, to ensure his own direct involvement with her. But okay, she agreed to those unfair terms even though it did her personal harm.

But, last season was when Red showed so clearly that he was all about himself regardless of the cost to others. He violated Lizzie and Tom's rights over and over again. He had to be stopped but with such infiltration in their lives and with unlimited resources, the only option was to flee/hide/fake death.

The thing is - Red's objection to Kate's actions is unfathomable coming from a man whom "presumed to know what was best" for Lizzie! How dare he?

"Thinking" involves a lot more work than simply "having a thought"!


The thing is - Red's objection to Kate's actions is unfathomable coming from a man whom "presumed to know what was best" for Lizzie! How dare he?

Agreed. I thought that was amusing. How dare you think you know best when everyone knows that I do?! LOL


I'm thinking that at some point, he is going to have to accept that he doesn't know it all. It seems like the only way to get Liz' trust back.


It reminds me back to Season 2 when Naomi Hyland told Liz that Red isn't who you think he is and that he was manipulating Liz. Naomi said something like, nobody can make a woman feel like she's the center of the universe like Raymond Reddington.
Tom had also told Liz that Red isn't who you think he is.


True and now she has Kirk telling her bad stuff about Red.


In a resent interview Spader calls Red a narcissist. So Red will always be convinced he knows best.


Red has always been a bad guy.

He's just been so charming and good for Liz and the FBI that we like him too much to realize he's a real bad man.


Red has always been a bad guy.

He's just been so charming and good for Liz and the FBI that we like him too much to realize he's a real bad man.

I posted about this in depth some time back but here's a recap of why I withheld any final judgment about whether Red is a good guy or a bad guy and maintained a "benefit of the doubt" stance instead:

- Red told Lizzie upon their first meeting that she should not believe what he says because he's a criminal. (honesty)

- Was it Cooper? - had previous knowledge of Red's mission during the war which resulted in the death of a young boy - some tragedy happened and Cooper didn't elaborate but it confirmed something for him about Red's viability as an FBI asset. (something unknown)

- Every character has been healed, released or freed in some way because of Red's choices

--- Cooper got free of being blackmailed and medically "targeted"
--- Ressler got a "boxed gift" which freed him from being a slave to vengeance
--- Navabi got the truth about her brother
--- Aram got the respect and attention he'd earned and deserved
--- Tom got a chance to redeem himself with Lizzie (court appearance) & his name cleared
--- Liz discovered her life with Tom had been rife with deception

- On a political level, Red did some serious good yet again:

--- the journalists were given what they needed to expose and take down the Kabal
--- the kabal members whom infiltrated the government agencies and branches of government were weeded out and killed
--- the Blacklist was invisible until Red compiled it

In general, despite the harm and danger Red has brought to Liz he has repeatedly shown his willingness to trade his life for her's, so if nothing else, his intentions seem to be pure of heart.

Also in general, Red's killings have a karmic element to them. Nothing unnecessary.

But, most of all, it was the people closest to him that made me remain open to the possibility that eventually it would be revealed that Red is a good guy whom perhaps went deep undercover to undo a silent coup of the American government.

When Liz met Baz she said something like, "Let me guess, Red saved your life..." and he basically said, "Yep, I owe him everything." He's not just a mercenary - he's grateful. Dembe, this tortured 14 year old whom Red nurtured to life and to goodness... bad guys don't do that.

And, Mr. Kaplan... solid, true, decent, tough, smart, brave and caring... she believed in Red and what he was doing. Mostly, it was through her eyes that I saw Red as good.

That's the shock. Red did things which could be considered bad, or if he's CIA or some such thing, could be considered effective and necessary.

But, shooting Kate? NO. Just, NO. As of that moment, there is no longer any question that Red is bad. It wouldn't matter if everything else he ever did was good... he crossed a line.

~~~ "Thinking" involves a lot more work than simply "having a thought"! ~~~


But, shooting Kate? NO. Just, NO. As of that moment, there is no longer any question that Red is bad. It wouldn't matter if everything else he ever did was good... he crossed a line.

I agree with you that it does seem that Red has crossed a line, but wouldn't you even consider that perhaps things may not be what they seem? That perhaps there is more to the story than Red killing (or giving the appearance of trying to kill) one of the most important people in his life?

I always enjoy reading your posts, and tend to agree with your analysis of Red. But don't you feel a bit suspicious of the scenario, the way the shooting was presented? Won't you at least consider that something else is going on that is not immediately evident?

I just can't accept that Red would do such a terrible thing, unless there is a reason for the act (and it's not done well). He should have had it within himself to forgive her, just as he will forgive Liz, as someone whom he considers "family." She was not just an asset or employee, he loved her, and she loved him.

And the shooting itself is suspect, so uncharacteristic for Red to fail to hit a vulnerable area, and to only use one bullet.

So... I suspect that Red and Mr. Kaplan have an agreement, and have come up with a plan to infiltrate Kirk's team, to attempt to rescue Agnes and dispose of Kirk for once and for all. Even if it might appear to be risky or a suicide mission, I could understand Mr. Kaplan wanting to do something, anything to try to make things right with Red. And to be instrumental in a plan to rescue Agnes.

Kate could convincingly present herself to Kirk as an embittered former asset and confidant, who is willing to help Kirk take Red down. She certainly is going to have a bullet wound as proof of her miraculous escape from death and Reddington's wrath. I'm not certain Mr. Kaplan will be able to con Kirk, but she does have genuine anger to draw on, about everything Red has done to endanger Liz.

It's also possible that Kirk will remember Mr. Kaplan if she helped Katerina in the past to care for her baby. (Kate mentioned something about Red placing Masha in her arms as a baby and asking her to protect the child.) So Kirk might accept and believe Kate's maternal instincts to want to protect Masha's child instead of being loyal to Red. (Red certainly destroyed any loyalty remaining by trying to kill her...)

I know there are many that are disillusioned with Red right now, (those that did not consider Red a cold and heartless criminal in the first place). But perhaps we should be patient and see what happens next before we give up on Red entirely.

I honestly feel that things are not what they seem, and there is more to the story. The writers love to utilize misdirection and deception.

We've been fooled before, we'll be fooled again.


So... I suspect that Red and Mr. Kaplan have an agreement, and have come up with a plan to infiltrate Kirk's team, to attempt to rescue Agnes and dispose of Kirk for once and for all.

I hope you are right, KellyK. In our household we are devided. I am sure we have't seen the last of Kate, and I hope it is as Red's ally. My partner is very upset with Red, I think next week I have to watch it without him.


My partner is very upset with Red, I think next week I have to watch it without him.

Oh no. Well, I can't say that I blame him, really. That was my initial reaction, too. To think the worst of Red (and the writers!) and just walk away from the show.

The same thing happened to me after Red killed Sam. That night I swore I was finished with the show... it was just too hard to watch Red kill Lizzie's adoptive father, it was such a shock. But after thinking about it for a whole week (and talking to everyone online about it), I just could not walk away without finding out more about Red, and what his true relationship to Liz was. Little did I know that we would still be in the same boat three years later, ha!

This time, I'm a little wiser to the tricks the show runners play, and I'm always suspicious when they try to pull the rug out from under us.

There's not much that would make me stop watching, because I adore James Spader's portrayal of Red... but Red shooting Mr. Kaplan sure comes close.


I hope Kelly is right, too! When Red told Kate that she could live on that land "for all eternity" (or whatever the exact quote was), my heart sank. The only way I can accept Red doing this is if it's all part of a rescue plan and Kate is completely in on it, in which case the story could get interesting!


and if it is't? a rescue plan? what happens next with our view of Red?

as much as i want to believe Kelly's theory, this time i have big doubts.


I think they made us doubt that liz was really alive, too.

I'm just saying... maybe they were trying to fool us this time as well. It's not really faking a death, it was staging a shooting that did not even kill Mr. Kaplan.

I don't know, tvgeek. It's the only thing that makes sense to me. I cannot believe in a million years that Red would really intend to kill Mr. Kaplan, no matter how badly he was hurt.

There has to be another reason for what we saw.


not like this. not this long. besides there were clues. many picked up on the clues as soon as the episode. characters looking weird and whispering. there were witnesses. it was done to make Red believe.

i know you badly want to believe there was a reason. but get ready also for this to be exactly what it looks like. just saying. just in case. to be honest i really want you to be right.

i just have sinking feeling, since before the season started, that the writers will drag Red down a deep dark hole. i really really want Dembe to help Kate and betray Red. he needs to be abandoned. he needs to reach rock bottom. he is a freak control. you obey me or you are dead. but he is losing that control. either because Liz is getting close to the truth and he is afraid of what she will find and lose her for good. or because he knows the day for the truth is approching, one way or another, because i don't believe Liz will even remember everything. after he burned that letter, he will never tell her the truth willingly. Red will blackmail Liz, will stop at nothing to keep her by his side.

i almost wish for Liz to tell Red "Kirk told me he is my father and i believe him" just to see his reaction.

his down path started, imo, right after Liz remembered she shot her father.

Kate betrayed him, but in no way like the others that sold him to the enemy. Kate helped Liz and her baby behind his back. she did not deserved to die. he trully acted on anger.

i'm sure that when all this will pass, he will be happy Mr. Kaplan survived.


besides there were clues.

I think there were clues here, too. Red missed her. From the screencaps it looks as if the bullet grazed her face. Red wasn't shaking, he wasn't over emotional, not the way I would expect him to be. He fired quickly, and walked away. So why did he miss? He never misses unless it's intentional. And that shot was not a kill shot.

Other clues. Why hasn't Red killed Scottie, Solomon or Lauren Hitchen, they were people that directly threatened to kill Liz. They still are threats to her safety. He doesn't kill them but he makes a big deal out of killing one of his most devoted and loyal assets on his own team?

Kate clutching at the grass. That was an immediate indication that she was not dead. And Red did not do what he normally does... checks to make sure the target is dead. He didn't even bother to check her. I believe it's because he knew she was still alive. He intended for her to be alive, to survive.

Why didn't he or Dembe dig a grave? Even his worst despised adversaries would have to be buried and concealed, not left out where someone might find the body. And how awful is that? That Red would not have enough respect for Mr. Kaplan to bury her after killing her? Just makes

Maybe I'm wrong about the plan to con Kirk, but I don't think Red meant to kill her. Maybe this was his way to warn her never to cross him again? This is going to leave a nasty scar on her face. (I'm not sure I believe this though, Mr. Kaplan isn't easily intimidated... she doesn't scare easily... she told him to his face that she would do it again to save Liz.)

Another clue. Mr. Kaplan isn't just anyone. The writers made a point of explaining that she was there when Liz was a baby. She reminded Red how he put baby Liz into her arms and he asked her to always protect her. Faking Liz's death was part of that promise. I believe they were finally showing us that Mr. Kaplan has some very important link to Liz or to her mother, and Red isn't going to easily snuff that out. She's too important. If Red truly loves Liz, and Kate is part of her history in some way, Red should want to preserve that, not destroy it.

And by the way, it's funny how they showed Liz picking up that same exact picture from Red's secret apartment. You mean to tell me Kirk didn't have any good pictures of Katerina and Masha there at the "Summer Palace?" How silly to have one with the sunlight glaring out the image, and the same identical picture. Red flag! And so similar to the visual of Mr. Kaplan standing in the sunlight of that field, shaded by the leaves of a tree.

That image of Mr. Kaplan, standing in the sun under the tree... it's a clue, so that we can make a connection between Mr. Kaplan and Masha.

i know you badly want to believe there was a reason. but get ready also for this to be exactly what it looks like

I'm ready... but I'm suspicious that they are tearing Red down in order to prop Kirk up as Lizzie's father... but it's all an illusion. We have to believe that Red is bad in order to accept Kirk, or to believe him. So I am not going to buy it. There has to be another reason for what he did.

I have to admit that just a little while ago... I finished watching the episode again. In the end, Red standing in the woods, curling his lip and snarling at Mr. Kaplan, practically hissing with hatred... was not the Red I know. I barely recognized him. If that is truly the path that they (the writers) want to take with Red, I will have a difficult if not impossible time defending them, or staying with the show. It was disgusting... terrible. I can't believe my eyes, I can't believe Red did that.

So...out of necessity, I have to come up with alternate explanations in order not to hate Red, to keep believing in him. I honestly believe that the writers are once again doing what they do best, misdirecting and misleading us. Yeah, it's probably denial at this point... we'll see what happens next week. I just don't want to give up on Red so easily.


ok Kelly, you present a strong case. i'll try and buy into this scenario. will see what next episode tell us. i'm sure will know more.

i do agree woth you that the writers are putting Kirk high to trust, while lowering Red and making him the evil one.


I just don't want to jump to the wrong conclusions about Red. You know I'm heavily invested in his character and this show. I really don't want to give up on him. I don't know what to think right now... I'm not feeling good about that episode at all.

But we have to remember that this is the Blacklist, and things are not always what they seem. So that's what I'm going to keep hanging on to. 


In the end, Red standing in the woods, curling his lip and snarling at Mr. Kaplan, practically hissing with hatred... was not the Red I know. I barely recognized him. If that is truly the path that they (the writers) want to take with Red, I will have a difficult if not impossible time defending them, or staying with the show.

I'm with you on this, Kelly. Red is not interesting to me if he doesn't have some line, somewhere, that we know he won't cross. Shooting someone who has given him a lifetime of loyalty, even someone who has made a serious error, would be low even for him. Other viewers might like to see how far down Red can really sink, and the writers might choose that path, but it's just not the Red I want to watch. For now, I'm holding out hope that Red has done this for a very good reason.


Despite Red's ruthlessness and murderous ways, he's redeemed by his loyalty to the people he cares about. His love for Liz, Dembe, and, until now, Kaplan make up for his willingness to kill anyone who crosses him. The writers' latest move with Kaplan strikes at the very heart of the reason that Red is better than the bad guys he turns in. It's a very dangerous move that could destroy the show if they don't handle it carefully.


It's a very dangerous move that could destroy the show if they don't handle it carefully.

Well said, rlhand.


Red is not interesting to me if he doesn't have some line, somewhere, that we know he won't cross. Shooting someone who has given him a lifetime of loyalty, even someone who has made a serious error, would be low even for him. Other viewers might like to see how far down Red can really sink, and the writers might choose that path, but it's just not the Red I want to watch. For now, I'm holding out hope that Red has done this for a very good reason.

Thanks so much for this ^^^ gingerpeach. Well said. I am holding out hope that there is a reason for what he did as well.


Kelly.... You make some good points here, but I don't know. I guess we'll have to wait and see how it plays out.


Thanks bthompso... I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Red did not kill Mr. Kaplan, and we all know he could have.

He hesitated turned around and wanted to go back to her. Maybe he changed his mind for a moment and didn't want to leave her like that. But then remembered that it was all for saving Agnes, and turned and walked away...

I don't know. As I said, it's the only way to still believe in Red.


These are all intriguing theories. Each one is completely plausible. I would like to add my input if I could.

Let me just begin by saying, I suspected that Red would kill Kaplan, but I found it more emotional than I thought I would. I am slightly comforted that she survived, but it was still hard to digest.

That said, I think Red had the intention of killing her. It is one thing to be crossed or betrayed by a neutral party, it is a whole other thing being betrayed by your closest confidant. When he kills,it is usually driven by anger or vengeance, but this was more emotional. He was hurt, that is why he may not have felt the need to confirm the kill or bury her. It leaves him some distance from the horrible situation of being betrayed.

He also may have feared that Mr.Kaplan was getting to close and involved with Liz. She mentioned before she was shot that she knew all of Red's secrets. That might very well include the secret he has been doing everthing to keep it from Liz. He even killed his longtime friend and "father" of Liz to keep the secret.

There are some other theories to add to the list.


Thanks for your input Stlukas. I realize that there may be many people who believe it was necessary or inevitable that Red was going to kill Mr. Kaplan, but I'm still not sure I can accept that he had a good reason to do so.

Yes, Red killed Sam, but it was also a mercy killing as Sam was suffering with a terminal illness. And Sam wanted to tell Liz a secret immediately... Mr. Kaplan never threatened to divulge any of Red's secrets. Her intentions were to protect Liz and her child, not to harm Red in any way, or to divulge any of his secrets to anyone.

Speaking of knowing secrets, I'm reminded of both Dembe and Naomi Hyland, both who presumably know just as much as Mr. Kaplan does. Naomi seemed to be quite angry with Red, that he had once again interfered with her life, causing her to have to move once again. She blamed Red for her unfortunate ordeal with Berlin, her trauma (and the loss of a finger!). Naomi may have had more reason to lash out at Red and betray him, so I feel she was a much bigger risk of betrayal to Red than Mr. Kaplan. But Red did not kill Naomi.

Actually, Dembe betrayed Red by allowing Liz to see Red's secret apartment. Red told Dembe that Liz was never allowed to see it, to ever set foot in the apartment. But Dembe told Liz how to find the apartment after Red was shot, and she went there to retrieve part of the fulcrum. Granted it doesn't seem to be a serious offense, but Dembe intentionally disobeyed Red, and made a judgement and decision to allow Liz to go somewhere Liz was not supposed to go. Dembe has also twice stood up to Red defiantly and scolded him for not telling Liz the "truth." If I were Red, I would wonder if Dembe would take it upon himself someday to tell Liz the truth, because (as Sam said), "she deserves to know."

So if Red wants to protect his secrets, he might also want to consider shooting Naomi and Dembe. 


Add me to the list who want to believe that Red killing Mr. Kaplan is all part of a master plan. If so Mr. Kaplan/Kate can't be part of it or know ahead of time of this plan. They were alone in the woods and the words exchanged were indicative of a person who felt betrayed and the "betrayer" knowing that her minutes were numbered. This show does love its twists and I was very glad when I saw her hands move because I don't want to lose the character and from the minute that Liz was supposed to be dead last season I knew that it couldn't be so. Like you I strongly believe there will be a huge twist to this whole story line. I still think Red is Liz's biological father as he and Liz's mother supposedly were in love and had an affair. I think Red knows this and perhaps Kirk doesn't. And I suspect part of Kirk's interest in finding his daughter and granddaughter have to do with this "blood disease" whatever it is that is wrong with him and the potential donor of bone marrow or whatever that could be any biological kin.


Add me to the list who want to believe that Red killing Mr. Kaplan is all part of a master plan.

Thanks for this, silverybell. I'm so glad that you believe there must be more to the story. I sure hope so.


I agree with you that it does seem that Red has crossed a line, but wouldn't you even consider that perhaps things may not be what they seem? That perhaps there is more to the story than Red killing (or giving the appearance of trying to kill) one of the most important people in his life?

Well, yeah... that's how I roll. I can write confidently when I support my position but the moment new information leads elsewhere, I'll shift my view.

In this case, I had a strong, visceral reaction and it took me this long to address your reply because I literally needed to not think about it. LOL, I got distressed over this... Fiction!!! LOL Incredulous! Livid! Shocked! At the time, if I'd had a nerf tv screen, I'd have thrown something at Red (accompanied by a few choice expletives)! See? So, now that I'm back to a more rational place... :)

I was already ticked off at Red last season for his invasive treatment of Liz. I thought he over-stepped too much when it was just her, or just her and Tom, but once she was pregnant, the scales were tipped.

Red either needed to fess up and tell her all or bug off.

The people who knew Red the longest and best were Dembe and Kate, presumably Kate came before Dembe. They BOTH told Red that Liz had both a need and a right to know what he was keeping from her. Okay, maybe Red knows that one bit more than they do on the subject and he is right and they are wrong.

But, she's already being targeted, discredited, hunted, kidnapped... and finally, she couldn't even have a baby in a modern, bullet-free facility! Liz's ability to protect her own baby is being compromised by this blindness to assess what is going on around her. She's in constant danger, so what is Red protecting exactly that is more important than that?

Kate is right. Whatever Red is thinking, his choices are doing nothing to protect Liz and Agnes. Is she supposed to stand by him EVEN AFTER his choices endangered them? Of course not. A good friend would step in and do what they could to keep them safe.

Kate tried talking to Red. She argued with Red. She watched Liz and Tom try to escape him because he wouldn't listen to them, either. Going behind his back was not anyone's first attempt to get Red to hear them.

If Kate didn't know something, or Liz didn't, then it was Red's responsibility to communicate in such a way that he had agreement. He failed to do that.

That they got kidnapped in Cuba rather than killed in D.C. - was a toss up. It's not like what Red had been doing prevented a hail of bullets in a church, right? So, I call "BS" that Kate made a mistake which endangered them. That's just geography.

It's not disloyal to pick up the slack when a friend has gone so off the rails that they endanger babies. What Kate did was the same as what Red did... "there was an adult and there was a child... I saved the child." How dare he fault her for that when he has full access to experiential empathy?

Red should be thanking Kate. Would it be reasonable that he also feel shocked and hurt and insecure... sure. That should inspire a conversation about how he messed up so badly and how he was hurting everyone around him.

So, it's quite a leap for me to even stomach his words to her about disloyalty or a need for her to be forgiven. No. He should be asking for forgiveness. He put them all in an untenable position. He put Liz into a corner and does he understand nothing of how Mama Bears will predictably act? Of course she fled... she had to. Red owes her the apology. She tried to protect her offspring - nothing to apologize for on her end.

Red's words to Kaplan at the clearing were what set me off. I did consider that he was talking for a wire... that someone was listening but the words didn't make sense for that. Do you think they sounded "staged"? It sounded "off" to me. Which makes me hopeful that you are right and that something is going on which means the character of Red hasn't been destroyed.

Until then... No, just NO!

I could not believe any scenario in which Kaplan would now turn on Red. Never. Would she accept a bullet in the head (at the metal plate) to go undercover to find Agnes? Yeah. She'd do anything, I think. But, not to make things up to Red or to show she's sorry... she isn't and she shouldn't. She'd just be consistent in protecting Liz and now, Agnes.

Red's inability to trust others made this especially hard for him and if this is a ruse to get Kate next to Kirk... it may have the additional and secondary benefit of also helping Red trust her again.

The biggest hint to me that this is a ruse is that Dembe is right there. Mr. Kaplan is fiercely protective of Dembe and they are like family, too. I can't imagine that Red would involve Dembe in harming Kate. That would be too frightening for Dembe, given his traumatic history. I don't think Dembe could handle Red harming her. I think that would be a game-changer.

Remember during the birth, she lit into Red when he was blaming Dembe for something? That obviously wasn't the first time she'd been protective of him. They don't show a whole lot of interaction between them but I think there's been enough to establish that they'd die for each other.

Lastly, I want to believe that the writers can show us that Red has the capacity to learn, to see that he's wrong, to admit it, to apologize and to make amends. I can't imagine that anything less will redeem him. He's just got to see how wrong he is.

And, wow, is he going to be in a mess of trouble once Dom hears about Elizabeth and Agnes. I love Brian Dennehy so this will be a welcome return.

If Red just did to Mr. Kaplan what it looks like he did... punish, vengeance... whatever, then I'm good with every other character kicking him through the rest of the story. If it is a ruse in which he's in cahoots with Kate... okay. :)

BTW, I like reading your posts, too. Even when we disagree or just see from different angles, I enjoy how well you reflect your POV. :)


It's also possible that Kirk will remember Mr. Kaplan if she helped Katerina in the past to care for her baby. (Kate mentioned something about Red placing Masha in her arms as a baby and asking her to protect the child.) So Kirk might accept and believe Kate's maternal instincts to want to protect Masha's child instead of being loyal to Red. (Red certainly destroyed any loyalty remaining by trying to kill her...)

I think we see this part differently. Kaplan's loyalty has never wavered. All she did was step in and try to protect Liz and Agnes when she saw that Red's proximity to them was endangering them further. It was Red whom betrayed all of them. No one was trying to hurt Red - they were trying to save a baby. Are they supposed to say, "Gee, Red, sorry to have acted defensively and protectively?" Mr. Kaplan is nothing if not fiercely and maternally - protective. She would never turn on Red. She understands him and she loves him.

What bugs me so much is that Red KNOWS. He asked Kate, "Had it really come to this?" Yeah, he knew darn well that nothing short of him CAUSING others to act in this way, would have compelled them to act in this way. That's why Kate told him the details made no difference. The point is, he knows her character. She's a proven entity. He knew that he really messed up. So, why was he saying things as if that weren't obvious?

So, yeah, that does fit with setting a tone for the eventual scene in the woods.

~~~ "Thinking" involves a lot more work than simply "having a thought"! ~~~


Brilliant writeup. Absolutely brilliant. I think that I agree with you almost completely. I certainly agree that if shooting Kaplan isn't a ruse, they taken Red to a very bad place. That's a good point about Dembe. Even though Dembe didn't agree with what Kaplan did, I agree that it's hard to believe that Dembe wouldn't do something to stop Red from killing Kaplan and Dembe wouldn't have just driven them to the middle of nowhere and let them walk off into the woods if the situation was as dangerous as it looked.


Good post, kuntext, I agree with most of it. I'm glad after taking the time to think about things, that you now feel it's possible that the shooting was part of a plan to send Kate to Kirk. I'm desperately hanging onto that theory, for all it's worth.

From what I've read elsewhere online, it seems as if there are many people that are disgusted with Red's actions, and are ready to give up on the show. So I hope the writers plan to offer something soon in the way of providing an explanation for Red's behavior, because it is unacceptable anyway you look at it. And its not because he shot someone for betraying him, it's because of the person he chose to shoot. And yes, I agree... it doesn't merely seem staged, the entire scene seemed "off." I barely recognized Red, and the intensity of his anger and hatred did not seem appropriate in a scene with someone like Mr. Kaplan, who has risked her life for him on numerous occasions.

Listening to Red, you would think that Mr. Kaplan tried to kill Liz or Agnes, which she of course did not do any such thing. Which makes me wonder if there is any truth to occasional comment that Red is nuts, or crazy. Maybe he is no longer seeing things clearly, he's losing control.

Red should be thanking Kate.

I agree, and whenever this topic came up after last season's finale, that's exactly how I felt. Most everyone thought that Mr. Kaplan was toast, but I could not accept that Red would ever kill her, she didn't deserve that. It basically goes against everything we have come to accept about the two characters, how there has always been a deep respect and familial fondness and affection between them. Red should have been able to forgive her with time, just as he has most likely already forgiven Liz (because it seems in his eyes, Liz can do no wrong).

We can't really compare Mr. Kaplan to any other person that Red has killed for betrayal. Even Grey, Newton Phillips, Red's close friend and assistant (who still called him "sir") was not as close to Red or shared his most protected secrets. In season one, Grey asked Red why he "wasted" his one time access to the NSA database on "the girl." So he obviously did not know how much Lizzie meant to Red.

Red admitted that the hardest thing he has ever done was to kill Sam, even though Sam was dying from a terminal illness. (Then again the writers must have forgotten about this, because Red once again said the same thing in Cape May, when he told Katerina that the hardest thing he has ever done was to choose who to save, the Hobson's choice. Both mother and child were doomed to die, he could only save one.

He certainly did not tell Mr. Kaplan that shooting her was the hardest thing he ever had to do! (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

My comment:
(Red certainly destroyed any loyalty remaining by trying to kill her...)

Kaplan's loyalty has never wavered.

Mr. Kaplan is nothing if not fiercely and maternally - protective. She would never turn on Red. She understands him and she loves him.

Yes, I really do agree with you, and I didn't explain myself well in my post. What I really should have said was that to Kirk, the staged shooting would make it look like Red tried to kill his loyal friend, and in Kirk's view, Red's action should have destroyed any loyalty Kate had remaining for Red. If it was part of a staged plan, then Kate would have to play the part of an embittered former asset. So she would only pretend to be disloyal to Red, in order to con Kirk.

I am really anxious for Thursday, so that we can see the next episode... because at this point I can't defend Red's actions in any way shape or form. He's just gone too far this time.

