Who is Annie?

On the episode 'MATO' Red and Kate had a conversation and Kate said:

"Do you remember what I looked like that night lying in the street, my head torn open, Annie?s body in front of me?? On which Red responds:?You know I don?t know what you looked like, I was away."
Because of the dramatic last scene of that episode, I kind of forgot to wonder who this Annie was.

Was it Red's real daughter? The one I think existed, but got harmed due to Red's work/actions. If so was this incident (with Kaplan and Annie) related to the X-mass story, Red told Madelin Pratt. (which some of us think he made up, but I believe was true).

Or was she his (real) wife, or may be Kate's lover, or.......?


I'm not sure who Annie was... but she was someone they both knew.

I was thinking, if Red was away, why would Mr. Kaplan and "Annie" be on a job? But then it may have just been an auto accident. We all tend to think of Mr. Kaplan as a trained operative, or someone who was part of Red's team. So she could do anything, tactical, surveillance, clean up, protection...anything.

But I think that if Annie was someone very important to Red, like a family member, that he would be more emotional than he appeared to be when he defensively said "You know I don't know what you looked like, I was away." (paraphrased).

Maybe it was someone that worked closely with Mr. Kaplan. Either a family member or her associate.


Or....someone she had to protect, like you suggested, may be Red's daughter, because he was somewhere else. And so Kirk's remark about him not hurting his daughter, unlike Red had done would make sense.
May be if Kaplan failed to keep his daughter alive, years before, it explains why he reacted so extremely on Kaplan's betrayal. It would also explains why Kaplan devoted her life to assisting Red. Out of guilt.

Just a thought. We'll see.


You think it would have been mentioned in their conversation. But this show is filled with things not said. And may be it is so painful, still, that they agreed not to mention it.

Just a thought...


It's just a guess on my part, but my first thought when I heard that was that Annie was Kate's long-term lover. No evidence, but it sounded to me like someone talking about their spouse after an attack.


You both are probably right.
