Will this change my life

Ok I know change life is big but I have seen movies that had a huge impact on my life I'm not religious but I am very spiritual. I believe in God and angels and miracles but right now I really need something to remind me that we are not alone. And if anyone can suggest other movies like that I'd really appreciate it. Life's just been kinda depressive and empty after losing my best friend to kidney disease


Ompeace, I lost my best friend in a fire many years ago and I truly understand. I'm a Christian, but not pushy about it.

If you are looking for some encouraging films, I can suggest a few.

You can look this up on imdb.com :

--The Visual Bible: The Gospel of John (2003) It received very high ratings.

--"Jesus of Nazareth" directed by the amazing Franco Zeferrelli.

A couple more movies are "Ghost", "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir", a famous classic. I don't know your age. If you are young, the last one might not appeal to you as it's an old black and white film.

There was a terrific series in the U.S. made for television and titled "The Bible".

I wrote a short article several years ago about my struggles in life and how I overcame them. I think you could relate to it, http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/rainbow11/MYSTORY.html


I wish you peace of mind and comfort in your sorrow. All the best.


It's a Wonderful Life always does it for me!
