Graham Greene

'Nuff said.


He looked miserable; like he didn't want to be on set (and I don't blame him). I bet he did this as a favor to someone involved with the production. I go in expecting Asylum movies to be really, really, bad, but this was utter rubbish.


I bet he did this as a favor to someone involved with the production.

The same can be said of Laurence Fishburne for the movie The Colony (2013)!



He must of needed money bad. I watched the gag reel. He was not taking it seriously at all. I cant blame him.


He must of...

You of to admit that his was the most humorous performance in the entire film. I ofn't seen the gag reel reel, but I of a pretty good idea of what he was probably like on the set.

Of you seen many of his other roles?

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Louis Gossett dies the same thing.
