This show is so hit or miss.

Either there is a joke that's hysterical or it's just awkward and not really that funny. I've only seen the first 3 episodes. How many have there been? 4?
The bits I liked:
Episode 1 - The one at the end with the old ladies reading script lines while holding the airsoft AK-47.
Episode 2 - The one where he was the Highschool Football Coach.
Episode 3 - The one where he sang the country song.
Other than those three, it wasn't really that funny. Hopefully it will get better before it gets canceled. Which, I'm sure it will soon.


There is one good bit in every episode. The rest is garbage. I won't miss it.


i think all of the transitions are great. making people read the intros and then when he comes back from a clip and awkwardly asks if the person he's interviewing enjoyed the sketch they didn't even see.

this show is great


I think the transitions are pretty good. Like I said, hit or miss. Sometimes they're funny. Sometimes they're not funny at all. I'm going to watch episodes #4 and #5 in a bit here. Hopefully there's more than 1 hysterical skit per episode in these next two. [crosses fingers]
