How did this guy get a show??

Seriously, I want to know.

He is dull, boring, uncharismatic and his jokes are as flat as a bottle of Pepsi someone opened for Y2K.

Can someone seriously tell me? I want a show and could easily do a better job than this guy!



Preaching to the converted here. If only I would have applied my comedic gifts rather than squander them on keg parties and internet message boards I might have my own CC show right now. God willing, (had I not gone crazy like Chapelle because of actually having a real job for the first time) I would be rich and powerful, like Seth Rogan or Jonah Hill. Because all of these people mentioned and/or involved are to be looked upon as comedic geniuses and not hackjobs with a shallow well of comedic value.

I slipped into sarcastimode there, if you didn't notice. SORRY!


*Edited to add this disclaimer: everything I posted below this, is just my opinion, because apparently the message itself wasn't clear enough

I have no idea, I was wondering the same thing. Im in his target demographic (Im 21), I spent several years living in his hometown (family and friends still there), and I love dry humor. However, I still find zero appeal in this guy's show. To me, it seems devoid of talent or originality, and the jokes are really childish, cliche and boring in my opinion.



I was just adding context to my post, if you notice i list other reasons why I thought I would like the show, not just being in the demographic. Also I only said I didn't find the show appealing. Which means I know humor is subjective, that's why I didn't attack him or his show, instead I stated how I felt about it. So I'm not sure what your problem is.


True. I cant believe this is really on tv. What garbage. Even Youtube has a million better shows.
