Story to submit....

Is there a way to contact the show...we had a sighting of something in our area. Just want to see if anyone else has seen what we've seen. This is not a hoax.


What did you see?

I don't have a signature....


I think the MIB got to the OP...

Danielle Harris 
Ive got a big dog with me, and he bites!


What state are you in and can you give a brief on what happened? I'm Joe Palermo, Chief Investigator for Missouri MUFON.


We live in Washington State. We were driving down a country road around 11 pm bac to our house. Driving by an orchard, was November so no leaves on trees. It was a full moon, clear night. Had my high beams, as we were approaching orchard on left my daughter & I could see a tall silhouette running through the orchard. I stopped the car so we wouldn't hit the person (we thought) running out. Not sure what ran out, it was about 20-30 feet in front of us. Had human shape but was solid black from the mid thigh up, grey/brown mid thigh down. Looked like covered in thick hair/fur. Shiny in car & moon light. Ran VERY fast past the car & across the road into orchard on other side of street. It didn't stop or look at us. We were terrified, drove home as fast as we could and ran into our house. Never saw it again, but had heard weird noises in the orchard by our house weeks before we saw the thing.


Sounds like a cryptic of some kind. My friend and Sasquatch mentor Shel Dion would be a good person to talk to about this. You can reach her on Facebook at
