Sudden censorship?

I've noticed twice now that Colby has said "the s-word" and it's been silenced. You'll hear her say "shht," not the actual word. Up to this point, the characters have been dropping the words "sh*t" and "a**hole" like gangbusters, but lately that hasn't happened at all. Any idea as to why?


Old people complaints, obviously. If it keeps their viewership than it is fine with me.

Fate is what you call it when you don't know the name of the person screwing you over.


Old people complaints, obviously.
Please, how many 'old people' do you know who watch the bulk of their tv shows online? And watch what you say 'trekboy' because one day we'll all be old too.

You know like your hero Captain Kirk.

This has less to with censorship and more with desperation. These shows are failing online and the producers are trying to save them.

Besides the swearing was always nothing more than a gimmick.

"Evil spelled backwards is live": Mok


The prudes weighed in : ne-life-to-live-to-cut-out-cuss-words

I find it hilarious that these same types are okay with watching stories featuring rape, deceit, adultery, etc. but can't handle cursing.

When God made Tom Cruise, he was only joking.


As far as getting rid of foul language is concerned, maybe TPTB want to lure a certain actress-turned-minister back onto AMC!


Susan Lucci is a minister????????????????


Susan Lucci is a minister????????????????

Not that I know of. She wasn't the person I had in mind anyhow. The person I had (and still have) in mind is roughly half a foot taller than Ms. Lucci and has been known for having blonde hair.


Why, of course, you were referring to "TFAFKALCC"*

*"The Former Actress Formerly Known as Liza Colby Chandler" (a/k/a Marcy Walker).
