Plot question

It becomes pretty noticeable that Evan's summer fling, Megan, knows what is happening to his sister. Did anyone else catch this? I was just wondering if there is something I missed while watching the movie that would explain this? Thanks!


I noticed too. But I didn't see anything that explained it either.


Ya, there was the time when they were out in the woods, and the
girl didn't want to be there. I kept thinking I was going to see
something in the distance. It was actually pretty creepy for me.
I had to be alone at my shop on a saturday around the time
after I watched this, and it is away from any houses, I felt
creeped out, kept thinking something was going to pop out.



But then there was the scene in the car, when she and evan see the blue hovering light and the car dies (well, at least all its warning lights come on). The girl seemed intrigued, and like she didn't know what was going on--very different from the scene in the woods.

Not sure what to think of it!

__ __ __
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley


Yes, they went back and forth with that girls
attitude towards what was going on. One time
she was freaking out, and another she was all
cool about it.

Perhaps the blue light and the car shutting off wasnt
something she had heard of before, if she didn't know anything
about UFO encounters in general, but maybe she only knew
that there were strange things that happened in the woods.

I don't think we were supposed to really analyze her that
much, she was just a supporting character that led to
some strange moments that had us guessing.

I dunno. but it was a creepy movie, regardless what anybody else
may think.


Agreed, MadRotaryOne_DDCgod , I thought it was quite creepy too, despite al the negativity on these boards.


I've always had this deep fear of abduction, I know that they
arent real which keeps me from getting all crazy scared about
movies like this. If I seen this movie when I was like 13 or so,
I would be sleeping with one eye open for months, lol. I used to
read (we didn't have this internet thing then, lol) all the books
I could find about UFOs and other stuff like Bermuda triangle events.
even got books sent from other libraries to read. then I grew out of
it I guess.


I certainly got that impression myself- had there been other mysterious happenings or legends from the locals in that town? If not, why not tell them when some of the other (less crazy but creepy nonetheless) phenomena was going on? I am tempted to think that maybe she just didn't want to be around that kind of craziness and, since she hadn't known Evan for long, figured that she didn't want the drama and to potentially get hurt herself? But if that was the case, she should have just said it to him when he ran into her in town.
